Hallo Mädels. Ich bin wieder aus Köln zurück und muß nun erstmal die vielen Eindrücke von der diesjährigen internationalen Fachmesse für Handarbeit und Hobby verarbeiten! #hhcologne
Amazing knitted scooter! * Witziger Strick-Roller!
The knit trends for the coming season combine an exciting mix of timeless, classic and new materials. Designs are edgy with open, loosely woven as well as chunky cable knit styles. Sustainability plays an increasingly important role in knits today. New this spring are vegan, natural fibers, algae and cellulose. The colour palette is restrained with neutrals and pastels plus some bold crayon colours thrown into the mix!
Die Stricktrends für die kommende Saison verbinden eine spannende Mischung aus klassischen Elementen und neuen
Materialien. Die Schnitte sind figurbetont und zeigen interessante luftig gestrickte Muster in sogenannter Netzoptik. Nachhaltigkeit spielt beim Stricken eine immer
wichtigere Rolle. Neu sind Garne aus veganen
Naturfasern, Algen und Zellulose. Die Farbpalette ist zurückhaltend in Natur, Grauschattierungen und zarten Pudertönen. Für Auflockerung sorgen frische "Buntstiftfarben"!While running from one apointment to the next I noticed an increased percentage of men interested in all things knit. There was a group of men of various ages merrily knitting away at this vendor's booth - they knitted incredibly fast :)
Während ich von einem Termin zum anderen bin, bemerkte ich am Rande, dass deutlich mehr Männer das Stricken für sich entdeckt haben. Am Stand der Firma Coats gab es eine Gruppe von Männern die fröhlich (und rasend schnell) am Stricken waren :)
This incredible decorative throw was artfully draped across a couch
Einzigartig gestrickter, dekorativer Sofa-Überwurf
Here are some facts and figures according to this press release (although pertaining to German-speaking countries, I'm sure this reflects the overall trend worldwide).
DIY has become a real cult! Sewing is all the rage with even younger kids now taking an increased interest. Fabric sales have increased by Euro 20 mill. to a total of Euro 450 mill (about USD 485 mill). Good news for me, obviously.
Hier ein paar Fakten und Zahlen aus dem aktuellen Pressebericht. Das Selbermachen hat sich zu einer eigenen Kultur entwickelt! Im Aufwind ist weiterhin das Nähen, das vor allem bei der jungen Zielgruppe immer beliebter wird. Im Bereich Stoffe gab es einen Zuwachs um 20 Millionen Euro auf 450 Millionen Euro - das höre ich natürlich gern :) Das neue Motto lautet: Do it together. DIY-Fans lieben und leben ihre Individualität, haben aber zugleich ein wachsendes Bedürfnis nach Gemeinschaft und Kollaboration.
The above booth unmistakably belongs to Union Knopf , the button and accessory company that I have been collaborating with for almost a year. Here I met up with a couple of DIY bloggers whom I met at last year's big event. It was fun to catch up!
Oben seht Ihr den Stand von der Firma Union Knopf, für die ich seit nunmehr einem Jahr neue Produkte verarbeite und teste. Hier fand am vergangenen Samstag auch das DIY Blogger Revival Treffen statt. Leider konnten nicht alle am Treffen teilnehmen, aber es war dennoch toll einige bekannte Gesichter wieder zu sehen!
Freestyle knit sculptures from our Dutch neighbours!
Freestyle gestrickte Skulpturen von unseren holländischen Nachbarn!
After my appointments were done and a few deals closed I headed to Hall Nr. 3 for the much anticipated fashion show highlighting the knit trends as described above plus a small selection of fabrics by Rowan/Free Spirit I had to quickly grab a seat as the limited number of seats lining the runway were filling up rapidly. I had my DSLR with me, but I'm not an experienced fashion show photographer, especially since the models were walking really fast and seemed almost to stomp across the runway along with the VERY loud music* .... so please bear that in mind when viewing my photos.
*organizers - can you please turn down the music slightly next time? I don't care for sudden deafness
Nachdem meine Termine erledigt waren habe ich mich auf den Weg in die Halle 3 gemacht um mir dort die Modenschau anzusehen. Wie jedes Jahr zeigt die Schau kommende Stricktrends (wie oben beschrieben) und Stoffhighlights von Rowan/Free Spirit. Sitzplätze sind begrenzt und der Saal füllte sich schnell. Obwohl ich meine Spiegelreflex dabei hatte war es nicht ganz einfach gute Fotos zu bekommen. Zum einen war die Sicht beschränkt, zum anderen liefen die Models schnell zu SEHR lauter Musik* ... also bitte entschuldigt die teilweise unscharfen Fotos.
*Veranstalter - bitte dreht die Musik im nächsten Jahr ein klein wenig runter, ja? Bin sonst Hörsturz- gefährdet
Check out the see through bag containing fat skeins of wool and knitting needles :)
Die Idee mit der durchsichtigen Tasche gefüllt mit Wollknäuel fand ich toll :)
Overall this was the most professionally produced show
I've seen over the years. The models did a great job. However, at shows like these there are always one or two negative aspects. As I was sitting watching the models go by I couldn't help but notice the furry pompoms on top of the knit hats. It really bothered me, as I kept thinking... it couldn't actually...be real??? Later, after a bit of research I shockingly discovered that yes, those were real fur pompoms taken from animals such as finnraccoons, rabbits and foxes. I won't go into detail as to how tragic the lives of these animals end. Suffice to say I absolutely abhor the fur industry. A dubious industry not to mention unfathomably cruel and totally unnecessary, considering all the excellent synthetic alternatives these days! Ultimately, it is all about the greed for money regardless of the plight of those animals. All I can hope for is that consumers make responsible and educated buying decisions. #againstanimalcruelty
Im Großen und Ganzen war diese Schau wesentlich
professioneller als so manch andere, die ich über die Jahre gesehen habe.
Die Models sind super gelaufen und die wechselnde Musik (obwohl laut)
passte zum jeweiligen Fashion-Segment. Leider gibt es bei solchen Events immer wieder negative Aspekte. Gleich zu Beginn fiel mir auf, dass einige Strickmützen oben eine Fellbommel dran hatten. Das irritierte mich enorm, und später musste ich mit Entsetzen feststellen, dass es sich bei den Bommeln tatsächlich um echtes Fell von Mardern, Kaninchen und Füchsen handelte. Unfassbar! Jede/r, die/der
nicht hinterm Mond lebt weiß mittlerweile, dass die Tiere unter
schrecklichsten Bedingungen gehalten werden und einen qualvollen Tod erleiden. Dabei gibt es doch heutzutage exzellente, synthetische Alternativen! Letztendlich siegt wieder mal die Geldgier. Da kann man nur hoffen, dass die Endverbraucher verantwortungsvolle, intelligente Kaufentscheidungen treffen. #againstanimalcruelty
....and the grand finale...a creamy white wedding dress embellished with Swarovski crystals! At this point they turned down the lights, so my photos didn't capture the crystals properly. I'm sure you can imagine what it looked like ...
...und das Finale...ein bezauberndes gestricktes Hochzeitskleid mit Swarovski Kristallen! Leider wurde der Saal verdunkelt, so dass die glitzernden Kristalle in den Fotos kaum zu sehen sind. Ich hoffe Ihr könnt es Euch trotzdem vorstellen...
And last but not least...look what I spotted at MyBoshi
Und zum Schluß noch...gesehen bei MyBoshi
p.s. I did not intend this post to have a negative vibe, but I adamantly oppose the fur industry, therefore I felt it just needed to be mentioned. This is entirely my own opinion and not open for debate ;-)
P.S. dass mein heutiger Post den einen oder anderen Leser eventuell negativ berührt hat ist unbeabsichtigt. Es ist meine persönliche Meinung und die steht hier nicht zur Debatte ;-)
P.S. dass mein heutiger Post den einen oder anderen Leser eventuell negativ berührt hat ist unbeabsichtigt. Es ist meine persönliche Meinung und die steht hier nicht zur Debatte ;-)
It looks like there was a whole lot going on there!
ReplyDeleteI think it's awesome that DIY has become more popular - hopefully it can help all of us maintain parts of our cultures and traditional skills that were/are in danger of disappearing. I think making your own (food, clothes, anything really!) really helps you value the item more and, to me at least, creates a much more fulfilling experience.
I'm intrigued about the algae fibers - I've never even heard of such a thing! (In addition to being all-around not cool) I agree that the fur pompoms are very out of place alongside these sustainable trends. Hopefully they get enough feedback that they decide to discontinue this practice and won't use fur again in future shows!
Thank you for the interesting story. I want to visit there too. scooter impressed
ReplyDeleteLooks like a fun event, I love the knitted scooter and the knitting men!
ReplyDeleteToo bad there was real fur involved in the show. It's ridiculous that fur is still being used nowadays, with all the alternatives that are available.
Looks like a fun and busy event. Lots to see. Those men look like they are really enjoying themselves.
ReplyDeleteI love the men knitting! So fun. I love that more kids are getting into sewing too. My little niece started sewing at age 8 I believe. Very cute! The use of real fur would have really upset me too. Especially when the organizers have a platform to make a point that animal cruelty it not necessary for fashion.
ReplyDeleteGuten Morgen, liebste Duni,
ReplyDeletedanke für diese wunderbaren Eindrücke von der Messe! Schade, daß sie durch zu laute Musik und Lärm beeinträchtigt wurden...
Die MOdenschau, tolle Sachen hab cih da gesehen! Ich mag diese Oversized Strickjacken und Ponchos sehr gern :O)
Da immer noch echte Fellbommel benutzt werden, eine Schande ....
Dsa MyBoshi-Tier sieht ja witzig aus und brachte mich noch zum Lachen eben :O)
Ich wünsch Dir einen wunderschönen und freundlichen Tag!
♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥
What a fantastic outing you attended! I agree with you about the pom on top of the hats--there are so many synthetic alternatives that there is no excuse for using an animal version. How wonderful that the younger generation is discovering the power of craft community-style. That's one surefire way to erase a gap between generations and build warm memories.
ReplyDeleteStrange, Duni, that I showed up as "Unknown" in the comment immediately above. I'll see if I can fix it with this comment.--Judy Nolan
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun event! I agree that the DIY movement just continues to grow and grow, and it's great that men are getting in on the action, too.
ReplyDeleteDid you get a chance to see some items made out of the algae and cellulose yarns? Those sound so interesting and I'm wondering if they look like items made from "regular" yarns.
It doesn't make sense that an event that's so excited about sustainability would also include fur. Disappointing. Hopefully enough people noticed that it won't happen next year.
Love the sweater with the cross stitch rose! The fashion show had some really beautiful, and interesting!, sweaters, but I can't imagine walking in some of those shoes -- I don't know how they do it! I agree with you on the fur...
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photos Duni - almost like being there! I completely agree about fur. It should not be allowed at all. A completely barbaric process for no real return. I'd rather see the fur on the animals than on some skinny grumpy looking model.
ReplyDeleteI would even be questioning the make up they used - has that been tested on animals? People need to think of these things much more frequently I think.
I love the long sweater dresses and comfy cardigans! And that pink belted cardigan with the skinny jeans is so great!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there was a lot to take in at this event!
Wow! That looks like so much fun! That knitted scooter is insanely cool. I would have been sad about the fur poms too. Fur is so unnecessary. :(
ReplyDeleteHow exciting and inspiring to attend an event like this! all those colors and patterns!
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't be surprised to hear of male knitters, especially in cold climates where having/making warm clothing is a necessity of life. But it was so fun to see a photo of a gathering of men happily knitting away!
In fact, I have friends whose son is a professional knitter and has even written a book! (He's not from an extraordinarily cold climate either.) Here's his website.
algae fibers! how fascinating!
This was a great show it seems, but so unfortunate about the use of real fur. really? how unnecessary when there are so many interesting yarn possibilities. The growing and harvesting of animals for fur is a cruel industry. I am sorry to see it being supported here. I'm glad that you spoke up about it.
The above link didn't work, so here it is to copy and paste if you wish.
Danke für den tollen Bericht zur Messe, ich habe mir die Modenschau danach auch noch angesehen und war ebenfalls total begeistert....super schön. ich wünsche dir ein frohes Osterfest und schicke dir ganz liebe Grüße Bella
ReplyDeleteLooks like an incredible event! I've never been to anything like that nor have I been to a fashion show! Using real fur is cruel and makes my stomach churn. I do hope one day very soon people will learn that it's not necessary and please save those animals.
ReplyDeleteLiebe Duni,
ReplyDeletealso, wenn ich die strickenden Männer sehe . dann bekomme ich ein schlechtes Gewissen. Ich kann doch gar nicht richtig stricken!!
Die Messe war sicherlich ein tolles Erlebnis.
Liebe Grüße
Can't be more agreed with you Duni on the animal rights issue and also how you stand against the animal cruelty! I even refused to buy products tested on animals. I wish next time your trade show have more outlines and terms for use of "natural" products for the show. Overall I'm so happy for lovely event, love the knitting a lot!!! and the last wedding piece is gorgeous!!!! Thank you for sharing and congrats on the good deals!!!!
ReplyDeleteHallo liebe Duni,
ReplyDeleteganz wunderbare Eindrücke von dieser Veranstaltung.
Ich wünsche Dir sonnige und erholsame Oster-Feiertage.
Viele liebe Grüße, Synnöve
Duni, I was amazed by the members of the male populace knitting! Am I dreaming? :) But it was surreal!!
ReplyDeleteI've never been to a fashion show but true enough, moving subjects are always hard to capture. It's a hit or a miss. Although, I always consider your as a professional photographer. Your photos are always perfect and like I always say, very worthy of a magazine spread.
As for the fur pompoms, I'm rather an advocate of organic clothing and fabric. I'm sure there are other ways to produce fur, more than the using animals. I hope some designers will consider this a challenge.
what a great post! I so enjoy seeing what a show looks like over where you are! none of the shows I go to have models or runways .... and no men knitting! ha, ha, although that would be fun to see.