Wednesday, August 3

A - Z of essential oils { Anis }

Hello lovelies!        Hallo, ihr Lieben!
last month I wrote an introductory post to essential oils. Every other week or so I will be featuring a select essential oil in alphabetical order. If you're interested in this topic you might want to follow my feed, so you won't miss a post!
letzen Monat habe ich eine Einleitung zu den verschiedenen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von ätherischen Ölen geschrieben. Wie angekündigt werde ich regelmäßig ein ausgewähltes Öl in alphabetischer Reihenfolge vorstellen. Habt ihr Interesse an diesem Thema? Einfach Blogfeed abonnieren und keinen Post verpassen!

Most people know anis from spiced cookies at Christmas, in candy or schnaps - also known as ouzo, pastis or raki. All have the licorice-like aroma of anis in common. Truth be told I'm not a big fan of anis in food or drink, however, I do appreciate the various health benefits the essential oil offers. It is most commonly used to alleviate cold symptoms and help ease bronchitis. Anis essential oil has a balancing, soothing and relaxing effect.
Das süßholzartige Aroma von Anis kennen wir als Bonbon, im Schnaps oder in Keksen zu Weihnachten. Persönlich mag ich den Geschmack nicht besonders, aber als ätherisches Öl weiß ich es zu schätzen. Am häufigsten wird Anis zur Linderung von Erkältungssymptomen  / Bronchitis  verwendet. Das ätherische Öl hat eine ausgleichende, beruhigende und entspannende Wirkung.

Application / Anwendung

Always make sure the essential oils are 100% pure. I prefer Bergland products, but NHR Organic are also a great choice. As mentioned in my intro post there are several base oils to choose from when blending your own massage oil. I prefer almond. Always sterilize mixing bowls and utensils before use. Also, use sterilized, opaque glass bottles to store your blend. 
Achtet bitte darauf, dass die ätherischen Öle 100% rein sind. Ich bevorzuge Bergland Produkte.
Wie in meinem ersten Beitrag erwähnt gibt es mehrere Basisöle zur Auswahl, für z.B. ein Massageöl. Ich benutze gern Mandel- oder Jojobaöl. Grundsätzlich alle Utensilien zum Anrühren sterilisieren und Ölmischung am besten in einer dunklen Glasflasche abfüllen.

Bronchitis massage oil:

30 ml base oil, 10 drops Eucalyptus essential oil, 5 drops Thyme essential oil, 5 drops Anis essential oil. Make a synergistic blend turning the bottle upside down a few times and roll it briskly between your hands. Use 1 teaspoon to rub on chest in a circular motion twice a day. 
30 ml Basisöl, 10 Tropfen Eukalyptus, 5 Tropfen Thymian und 5 Tropfen Anis mischen. Die Flasche schütteln und anschließend mehrmals zwischen den Händen rollen. Zweimal täglich 1 Teelöffel in einer kreisförmigen Bewegung in die Brust einmassieren.

Inhaled as a vapour:

Pour hot water into a large bowl, add 2 drops Anis + 2 drops Thyme essential oil, lean over the bowl (not too close) and cover your head with a towel. Close eyes and breathe in deeply for several minutes.
Zum Inhalieren heißes Wasser in eine große Schüssel geben + 2 Tropfen Anis + 2 Tropfen Thymian Öl, Kopf darüber beugen (nicht zu nah), mit Handtuch abdecken, Augen schließen und ein paar Minuten kräftig einatmen.

**while beneficial, essential oils do not substitute the diagnosis or treatment of a qualified medical practitioner.
**ich weise ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass ätherische Öle die Diagnose oder Behandlung eines qualifizierten Arztes keinesfalls ersetzen.

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  1. Liebste Duni,
    Anis, ein herrliches Gewürz. Ich mag es sehr, vor allem in Wiehnachtsplätzchen :O)
    Danke für diese tolle Anleitung als Einreibemittel bei Erkältungen! Das werde ich mir merken, denn die Erältungszeit kommt, und da ist eine Bronchitis schnell mal eingefangen!
    Hab noch einen wunderbaren Nachmittag!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße , Claudia ♥

  2. I did not know this about anis. Luckily colds don't usually affect me but I will keep this in mind if things change! I am not a fan of anis in food either. I enjoyed licorice flavors as a child but no longer as an adult.

  3. My grandmother used Anis in her home remedies. The smell of it reminds me of her every time. Thanks so much for the usable reapplications. Great information. I will be following your series on essential oils.

  4. Fantastic post, Duni! Looking forward to more of these, as I'm always using oils. :)

  5. My husband suffers from chronic bronchitis. This is good info!

  6. I don't like it in food either so I find its benefits interesting. Thanks for the info Duni!

  7. I actually like anis especially in pizzelle cookies at Christmas. I had no idea it was good for colds and bronchitis. I'll have to remember this since my husband usually gets bronchitis every winter

  8. What a good idea to turn these into a series. Over here you can get anis cubes to mix with warm milk. I don't know if it's typically Dutch?

    1. That's interesting, Marieken! I've never seen those cubes over here, so I guess it's a Dutch thing :)

  9. that does sound like it would be good for clearing up Bronchitis or other respiratory issues!

  10. This is such a great series! Looking forward to more.

  11. interesting! I've not been fond of anis flavoring in general, but since growing fennel (similar flavor), I've come to like at least that in a few things.

  12. I have a friends who has been a "holistic" follower for years. A few weeks ago we went to this vegan restaurant and they had a woman selling all sorts of oils. I did buy a few - put them in my bag - on the way home the Lavender oil opened inside my bag - well it still is healing everything that was in my bag. Also picked up Peppermint which is good for the senses, and Melaleuca - it suggests mixing with shampoo for healthy hair. It amazes me how little we know about all that nature provides us. Thank you for sharing!

  13. Saved your suggestions for using "Anis". As one who gets Bronchitis often - will try this next. Looking forward to your next Blog on oils!


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