Wednesday, November 12

Oh no...I've come down with the flu

I have been feeling a little under the weather lately and now I know why. I've come down with influenza. I probably caught it from one of my students...sigh. This means no crafting - and I had so hoped to finish my 'the big one' (more on that later) this week. Oh well. It's back to bed for me with a cup of tea!


  1. Sorry you are sick. But it is perfect weather to snuggle up in bed under the covers.

  2. I ought to be in bed...but it's difficult to resist checking emails and my blog!

    lenox knits - the weather here is making me depressive. I crave sunshine...I'm going back to bed.

    Kitty - Thank you. I've been slurping all sorts of disgusting teas which are supposed to flush out the toxins or whatever, so I'd better get better soon!


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