9 hours ago
Monday, December 28
Of trains and double-booked seats...
After several delays and, on one stretch of the ride a double-booked seat (guess who got to stand the rest of the way - yup, me), I finally arrived home late last night.
Thank you, dear readers and blog friends, for continuing to stop by my blog and your very kind comments while I was away! I hope to stop by yours shortly!
I also hope everyone had a happy Christmas and your gifts were well received :)
I had a great time, and for once blogging took a back seat while I enjoyed preparing and eating the marvellous food, listening to a boys' choir and visiting the oldest Christmas market in Germany.
But now it's back to work, and with new regulations for freelancers (like me) starting on 1st January 2010, I have a lot of forms to fill in and getting all my papers in order...
Until then
take care!
Sunday, December 20
Seasons Greetings from Sammy and me!
Sammy, don't be shy. Please stay and help me wish all my blogging friends all over the world a happy and safe holiday! I will be away for a week visiting family and friends. December 24th is our big day here. We always have a nice dinner, listen to traditional Christmas carols, and then the exciting part: exchanging gifts! I have a 9 hour train ride ahead of me - and it's snowing heavily. Wish me luck that the train doesn't get stuck in the middle of nowhere!
Signing off and wishing everyone Merry Christmas, Frohe Weihnachten, Prettige Kerstdagen, Joyeux Noel...
Signing off and wishing everyone Merry Christmas, Frohe Weihnachten, Prettige Kerstdagen, Joyeux Noel...
Friday, December 18
Sweet rosy apron
With the temperature dropping to -7°C (19.4 F), it's hardly surprising that we've been congregating in our cosy kitchen these last few days! And since I'm spending so much time baking I designed and made a new apron from this pretty fabric with an all-over rose print. Did I mention I love roses? The fabric is from Westfalenstoffe, a company headquartered not far from where I live :)
The weather report said there might be snow this and next week - highly unusual for this area. Perhaps we're going to have a white Christmas for once. I'm sure all the neighbouring kids will love that! But sun-loving person that I am, I can't really share their enthusiasm!
take care,
Wednesday, December 16
New Kaffe Fassett flower print
I have had a number of requests for a bag I made from a colourful Kaffe Fassett print. I sold this bag a couple of months ago to none other than Michelle of Maria Michelle's Furkids and Animal Rescue. And since I don't usually duplicate any of my make-up bags, I decided to look for another print similar to the previous one. I came across a lovely flower print from the latest Kaffe Fassett collection. It is very cheery and bright and will stand out on any dressing table!
Also, before I forget, I would like to say a big THANK YOU to Jenie, who generously passed on this award (my third time to receive it!). Changing the rules yet again I encourage anyone who leaves a comment on my blog to consider this award hers/his, since I already passed this one on here and here.
In other news, that non-sale I talked about a couple days ago really was more hassle than it was worth. Right now the issue is going back and forth between me and admin. Frankly, they are being very bureaucratic about the whole thing. I think I'll just consider it a write-off.
Tuesday, December 15
Internet connection - finally!
I switched on my computer this morning shortly before 8:00 a.m. as I always do and - nothing.
(panic mode ON)
I called the provider straight away and got a recorded message saying that there's a technical problem. Later on the news I heard that due to roadworks on the main highway a vital cable got cut leaving the entire state I live in without an internet connection!
It's 7:30 p.m. and they've supplied us with a temporary connection, because people all over are getting highly annoyed, not to mention frantic! So here I am just getting started on my work. Looks like it's going to be an all-nighter.
(panic mode ON)
I called the provider straight away and got a recorded message saying that there's a technical problem. Later on the news I heard that due to roadworks on the main highway a vital cable got cut leaving the entire state I live in without an internet connection!
It's 7:30 p.m. and they've supplied us with a temporary connection, because people all over are getting highly annoyed, not to mention frantic! So here I am just getting started on my work. Looks like it's going to be an all-nighter.
Sunday, December 13
Happy 3rd Advent!
These are traditional German treats called 'Bethmaennchen'. Here's the recipe:
you will need
50 gr powdered sugar
1 tblsp. corn starch
400 gr. block of raw marzipan (chopped into pieces)
1 organic egg (size medium)
whole almonds
1 egg yolk mixed with 2 tblsp. cold water
this is what you do
put the sugar, starch, marzipan and egg into a bowl and knead until smooth. With cool hands quickly roll into about 40 balls and place on a baking sheet. The dough is quite sticky, so you really need to work quickly! Stick on the almonds (three each) and let them dry overnight.
Preheat oven to 150°C.
Lightly brush the 'Bethmaennchen' with the eggyolk mixture and bake for approx. 15 minutes until lightly browned. Remove and cool on a rack.
And yeah, I know it's tempting--but don't eat them straight from the oven, because you'll get a tummy ache. You have been warned :)
Friday, December 11
Early Christmas gifts for me :)
I had a huge surprise in the mail yesterday...a package from my dear blogging buddy Mel. Feast your eyes on these beautiful handmade items - Yes! That gorgeous card is also handmade!
The glittery bracelet is so, so beautiful and perfect for the festive season! I wish I could capture how it sparkles, but at mid-morning it is as dark outside as if it were 6:00 p.m.! The photo really doesn't do justice to its beauty. I love it, Mel!!!
Inside the cute pouch was this:
It's soooo adorable, don't you agree? I love the little ribbon. Thank you so very, very much, Mel. Your gifts are very special, and I will cherish these always. And I can't wait to wear them. The sparkly one will go so well with my little black dress :)
You can find sparkly bracelets like this one, rings, earrings and headbands and so much more at Mel's Etsy shop GlamUp. Please stop by her shop. There's sure to be an item there to glam up your holiday wardrobe!
The glittery bracelet is so, so beautiful and perfect for the festive season! I wish I could capture how it sparkles, but at mid-morning it is as dark outside as if it were 6:00 p.m.! The photo really doesn't do justice to its beauty. I love it, Mel!!!
Inside the cute pouch was this:
It's soooo adorable, don't you agree? I love the little ribbon. Thank you so very, very much, Mel. Your gifts are very special, and I will cherish these always. And I can't wait to wear them. The sparkly one will go so well with my little black dress :)
You can find sparkly bracelets like this one, rings, earrings and headbands and so much more at Mel's Etsy shop GlamUp. Please stop by her shop. There's sure to be an item there to glam up your holiday wardrobe!
Tuesday, December 8
Black Ornament Zipper Pouch
In the run-up to Christmas sales are picking up in my online shop. Newly listed is this versatile zipper pouch. I teamed the black ornament print with bright pink, and added a useful keyring too! Sorry about the dark photo*. It has been gloomy here for weeks!
*note to self : construct lightbox, and soon!
I have also had my very first non-payer! It's okay, though, because someone else bought the item instead, but what does one do about the feedback? If I don't give any feedback, then this non-sale will sort of 'hang' there. I want it closed. I'm reluctant about giving negative buyer feedback, because it will reflect back on me. Have any of you online sellers ever had this problem? Do you give negative feedback?
*note to self : construct lightbox, and soon!
I have also had my very first non-payer! It's okay, though, because someone else bought the item instead, but what does one do about the feedback? If I don't give any feedback, then this non-sale will sort of 'hang' there. I want it closed. I'm reluctant about giving negative buyer feedback, because it will reflect back on me. Have any of you online sellers ever had this problem? Do you give negative feedback?
Sunday, December 6
Happy 2nd Advent!
Chocolate-Mocha-Walnut Squares
as you can see the glaze is still partially wet - sometimes I'm so impatient!
They're very good, though (wet glaze or not)
Wishing everyone a pleasant Sunday. Hope you're enjoying the day with your family!
Friday, December 4
My wristlet got featured!
My 'rosy wristlet' was a featured product on Dawanda yesterday! It's the one on the left. As always I'm dumbfounded when this happens, because admin has about 50.000 shops to choose from, but I'm especially pleased they picked the wristlet, because it is one of my favourite items :)
In other news...I went to see another doctor because of my uncertainty about having surgery done on my throat, and he reassured me that in his opinion I don't require surgery. I should just monitor the cyst every now and again to make sure it doesn't grow. Only then should I consider surgery. I'm so relieved.
Sunday, November 29
Happy 1st Advent!
It seems I'm spending more time in the kitchen these days than at my desk!
I made these chocolate orange cookies this morning, and now my whole house smells yummy :)
Here's the recipe:
100 gr dark chocolate (chopped)
125 gr butter
125 gr sugar, pinch of salt
1 free-range egg (medium)
grated rind of 1 organic orange
200 gr white flour
1 tsp. baking powder
chocolate for the glaze ( I used one with 65% cocoa)
How to
Beat the butter, sugar, salt, egg and orange rind. Mix the baking powder with the flour and sift into the butter mixture. Add the chopped chocolate and quickly knead to a firm dough. Wrap it in foil and leave in the refridgerator for at least 2 hours.
Roll out the dough to about 5mm thickness. Cut out any shape you wish (mine is a flower). Place on a non-stick baking sheet and bake for 10 - 15 min. at 200°C.
Let cool. Melt chocolate in a small bowl. Dip each cookie into the chocolate and place on a rack to dry.
Store the cookies in a cool and dry place.
Friday, November 27
Catnip Kitty
Sammy needs to lose weight. He's not a particularly active cat, so the vet advised us to reduce his daily intake of food. No more snacks! He's been on a diet for about a month now, I thought he deserved a little reward...so I made a little toy shaped like a cat and filled with organic catnip!
Tuesday, November 24
Expect the Unexpected
My mini-event was a wonderful experience! Who would have thought that a room full of women (and one cute toddler) plus a table full of bags translates into lots of FUN!
Since it was an informal affair I wasn't under too much pressure, and by the end of the day we were talking as if we had known each other for ages.
Sales-wise I sold a few make-up bags, but surprisingly my handbags and shopping totes drew the most attention, although I hadn't even planned on selling them! These are bags that I made about two years ago, and I actually took them out of the cupboard in the last minute, because I needed to fill some space on the table. At that time I didn't have my label yet - nevertheless one lady was so delighted she bought two straight away. I also received two custom orders for the same type of bag. I am very pleased, especially since things are slowing down with my other work as we are nearing the end of the year. As mentioned in my previous post I will gradually list the remaining bags in my shop, but I won't be making any new products until next year. This cute make up bag is now for sale in my shop. If you look closer you'll see the retro print is made up of tiny little birdies. I embellished the front with a satin ribbon and bow for that chic touch!
Saturday, November 21
Dunibagz Party
Friday, November 20
Listening to the voice of my heart
It is not a nice feeling sitting in a cold and austere room at the clinic, while the (lady-) surgeon discusses the rather radical (in my opinion) removal of certain body tissue with her assistant as if I wasn't there. Turns out my 'lump' is an atheroma, which in itself is harmless, BUT it is located at a very unfortunate area in my throat. Naturally, I am cautious about having the surgery done. I will definitely get a second opinion.
Fortunately my survival instinct and passion for life kicked in shortly after leaving the clinic, and one of my favourite quotes sprang to mind:
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts, therefore guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.
Marcus Aurelius AD 121 - 180
Therefore, I refuse to be intimidated by this surgeon or anyone else, and I will not succumb to the 'doom loop'. Looking back, this entire year has been one health issue chasing the other, yet I have consistently remained optimistic, despite the people in my life despairing about my various conditions. I have ceased to explain why I'm convinced that all is well, and that all I am experiencing this year is a low point in life from which I will emerge stronger and even more optimistic!
Oh wow! This post has turned out quite philosophical, so maybe it's apt I close with these simple yet profound words:
Our life is what our thoughts make it.
Wishing everyone a terrific weekend!
Tuesday, November 17
Little girls love make up bags too!
Sunday, November 15
Mommy let me blog today!
Tuesday, November 10
Gifts galore!
Each year I get THE LIST.
Let me explain...the list is a list of requests from family and friends to make something as gifts for Christmas. I usually get the first request late September, and it gets longer the closer we get to Christmas. This year was no exception :)
Let me share a few of the items I made. The recipients are unaware that they will be getting these, so it's safe for me to show.

Various aprons (the yellow one and the ovenmitt is a set)

Black floral make-up bag, XL gift bag (with gift inside) which doubles as a shopping bag
There are a few still left on my list, so I better get cracking :)
Monday, November 9
East-west German unity

Saturday, November 7
I ♥ Hearts

Wednesday, November 4
Sweet and Simple holiday wreath
Friday, October 30
Cold and rain call for...
Monday, October 26
The tote bag goes to...
Thank you all for participating in my giveaway. It was so much fun!
As I mentioned yesterday I decided to hand pick the winning entry myself :)
I allocated a number to each of your comments in consecutive order (1 through 71), printed them, cut them out, and folded them up. I put all the numbers in my pink polka-dot box.
Now, find out who the lucky winner is...
Yay! Congratulations!
I will be contacting the winner by email shortly!
And to everyone else - there's always a next time :)Wednesday, October 21
Stay in or go out...

...that is the question.
Quick Reminder
You have five more days to enter my tote bag giveaway. Don't miss!
The response so far is great, and your comments are too kind! Some of you have a great sense of humor, and it's so thoughtful of the male entrants to think of their wives! This is the kind of interaction that makes this giveaway so much more fun :)
Oh, and just to clarify: I will be shipping to anywhere in the world - but please understand I do not have any control over what happens once it arrives in your country. There shouldn't be a problem, normally.
So, what are you waiting for? Leave a comment on my giveaway post and you're in! It's that simple.
The winner will be chosen by a random number generator and announced on Monday, 26th October.
Have a nice day!
Sunday, October 18
'Lovely Purses' Giveaway!
Thursday, October 15
New fabrics
In the coming weeks I hope to be able to sew a few new tote bags with the new fabrics I bought. These fabrics are all decorator-weight cottons or cotton blends, and are printed with bold patterns.
Also, watch this space for my new purse giveaway...
Thursday, October 8
Bumpy ride - but safe landing!
Friday, October 2
Fireworks and other stuff!
Last night there was a harbour fireworks display. It went on for about half an hour, but due to intense fog we weren't able to see the last ten minutes. I captured some of it with my digital camera, although I wasn't sure it would work, due to impaired visibility. You can see the beginning for yourself in the above mini-video!
Meanwhile I'm saddened by all the disasters happening in quick succession in this region. Normally, back in Germany, we would hear only a few snippets on the main news, but since we are currently in Asia I feel quite affected and a bit helpless by all that's been happening. The rain has eased now, but more has been forecast for the weekend, by which time we'll be packing up and ready to depart for back home.
My deepest sympathies go out to the families of all the victims and the thousands of people made homeless by the recent typhoons and earthquakes. Here we donated to the Ketsana/Ondoy cause, which we were happy to do (not forced - see previous post). According to the latest weather report there is another typhoon on the way...
Monday, September 28
Yikes ! drastic change of weather!
The typhoon signal #1 was hoisted this morning, and it's still raining quite heavily, so we're pretty much hotel- bound at the moment. What a drastic change from yesterday!
We had a strange encounter yesterday... my husband and I were taking a leisurely stroll along the waterfront back to our hotel when all of a sudden this monk turns up out of nowhere (we were the only people there) and blocked our way, grabbed my wrist and thrust this card into my hand. Talk about over-stepping boundaries! While I was protesting feebly he then launched into what I can only describe as his 'sales pitch' in his local dialect, every other sentence ending with 'peace'. Now I'm all for peace - but not with a price tag attached! While we were planning our route of escape he pulled out this booklet and blocked our way again. I don't mind donating money to a good cause, but not if it involves a number with a long row of zeros in the back! Our particular monk actually expected us to part with thousands right then and there. Sorry, but as it so happens my family is befriended with a 'real' monk, and I know that monks would never force anyone to pay such large amounts of money. He was really, really persistent. We finally managed to move past him, and yes, for the sake of 'peace' we gave him a small donation, but I couldn't shake the feeling that somehow we had been thoroughly duped.
I still have the card, as a gentle reminder to be more alert while walking along unfamiliar and often deserted paths.
So, while we are more or less stuck indoors we have no choice but to sample all the local delicacies on offer here. Yum :)
Wishing for clear skies tomorrow...
Friday, September 25
Ahhh...this is the life!

Sunday, September 20
Bye Bye for now...

Thursday, September 17
The official Oktoberfest in Munich is opening this weekend. No doubt the ladies down in Bavaria are all busy dusting off their Dirndl dresses! These don't come cheap, by the way. Expect to pay at least 200 US$ plus traditional jewelry, ankle boots and matching purse. In case you don't know what a Dirndl actually is, here are two examples (the short version). The dresses come in calf-length and ankle-length too.
And for the sake of equality, here's what the guys are (or should be) wearing ☺
Eons ago I was invited (forced) down to the Fest by my company to participate in some fun and games (mandatory team-bonding exercise) with my colleagues. During the course of that prolonged weekend I learned how to drink beer properly - don't hold the handle: push your hand through the handle and grab the jug with your palm - received a handful of drunken marriage proposals, and was almost schunkelt* to death!
* linking arms and swaying to and fro to traditional brass-band music
Saturday, September 12
We're going on vacation soon!
Well, my doc gave me the green light yesterday. As long as I feel the way I do now, on the meds I'm taking, everything should be fine. He even mentioned reducing the dosage when I get back. So, I have one more week of work and getting everything in order - then we're gone for two weeks! This'll be the longest vacation since our last one eight years ago. I can't wait.
I'll be taking along this new shopping tote. It's nice and roomy for all the souvenirs I might pick up here and there :)
There was some fabric left, which I used to make a detachable flower brooch. Here it's pinned to the bag...
...or you can make a fashion statement by attaching it to your shirt or jacket lapel!
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Friday, September 11
Just a quick note...

Wednesday, September 9
Calling all Etsians :)
Picking up where I left off in my last post...
Judging by what I have read in the Dawanda forums, I don't think I'll be relieved of my problem anytime soon :(
Time to consider other venues, i.e. Etsy. The fees on Etsy seem reasonable enough, and the selling process is pretty straighforward as far as I can tell. I'm just a little daunted at the overwhelming number of handmade bag shops, plus I'll be catering to an entirely different market with different demands, expectations etc. On the plus side, Etsy definitely gets more business overall than Dawanda. Then there's the matter of shipping. My shop may be on a US-based selling site, however I'm still here in little old Germany. I've reduced the cost by shipping the make-up bags flatpacked in padded envelopes, but it's probably still high from the customers' point of view.
Here's where I need your help and honest opinion. Do I have a snowball's chance selling my products on Etsy? I appreciate any advice you might have for me!
Thank you.
Monday, September 7
Dawanda feature and technical stuff
I have been on Dawanda, my online selling site, for almost a year now. No complaints, so far.
Recently though, there have been a number of technical problems - power outages, templates not working, statistics not updating etc.
Even worse, I finally figured out why my new items are getting so little views - it's because they aren't even showing up in the new listings! I've done a search by title - but nothing, nada, zilch. Annoying, since I'm paying listing fees. What I find even more annoying is that I haven't had any reply to my emails. I wish there was some sort of technical helpline or other customer service I could contact (because yes, I'm a customer too), but there is only this one email address, and I really wonder who handles them all. The Dawanda team is fairly small, and I get the feeling they only have one poor techie guy handling everything...
The only bright spot appeasing my frazzled mind is the fact that my cupcake pencil case was included in their recent back to school feature.
But until my problem is fixed I won't be adding any new items, unfortunately.

Friday, September 4
Green Trees
Tuesday, September 1
Hip to be square
Saturday, August 29
Cafetière Cozy
One of the things my husband and I enjoy very much is reading - preferably on our comfy sofa, with a nice hot beverage, and some soft music playing in the background. Pure bliss. We can spend hours like this, in comfortable silence, totally absorbed in our respective books...
It's not unusual that our tea or coffee turns cold in the meantime! I decided to make a cozy to fit around the cafetière - a small, single one, since only hubs drinks coffee - in a cheerful kitty print. I simply measured the height required and the circumference and added seam allowances. It is very easy to make and closes with velcro at each tab end.
Wishing everyone a relaxing weekend!
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