Friday, February 27
100th blog post...and GIVEAWAY
Tuesday, February 24
Crafty books

On to one of my favourite subjects - books.
I love the crafting books by Ute Menze. Unfortunately for all you English-speakers out there, they're in German and haven't been translated as far as I know. However the beautiful layout and the gorgeous pictures and crafting ideas speak for themselves. If you are just a little bit crafty you won't need to understand the text. These books are ideal for people who love cross stitching, embroidery, patchwork and sewing. It is full of adorable details, and all the projects can be easily adapted to suit ones taste. The books are available on Amazon.
Monday, February 23
Help!!! What happened to my header?
I swear I didn't do anything to the layout...I mean why should I?
This is all I need! Can anyone help me? PLEASE!!!!!!
*Addendum 24th Feb
thanks for your quick response everyone! I think there was an error in Blogger when I tried to log on...then I tried to refresh the page and my header had disappeared! Including the image of the purse. The 'pinkrose' is just the background design. I will need to contact the designer, I think.
**Thank you, Sheila, for your immediate response and quick action - my header's back!!!
Friday, February 20
I'm not a fan
Thursday, February 19
Hello Friends...♥
*Deep breath*.....sigh.....
Most of you will have guessed by now where I spent the last seven days. Yup. Back in hospital. I'm beginning to develop a 'hospital-phobia'. It was awful. According to the blood tests I developed another strain of the first virus, which unfortunately got reactivated. The irony is I probably contracted it from my previous stay in hospital! How unfair is that?
This time around they did a CT, to check all my organs, especially the heart. THANK GOD my heart has gone unscathed by this viral infection. I believe the prayers you sent me ♥♥♥ and all your kind, sweet and encouraging words protected me...
Now that I'm back home it's vital that I continue resting. There's another cold front coming, and this particular virus thrives on cold. Since there is no medication I need to strengthen my immune system. I've started drinking protein shakes. I need a lot of protein right now! I'm taking Coenzyme Q10 which helps repair cells. Other than that it's rest, rest, rest and drinking plenty of hot fluids. Doing sports is out of the question too.
Now what about my work? Most clients I talked to are sympathetic to my plight...others not so. In fact, there are some who take it personally! I'm consoling myself by telling myself they weren't the right clients anyway. I'm trying to be positive about all this. Right now I have to concentrate on getting my health and my life back on track.
As for blogging (my favourite addiction), well, it may only be sporadic for a while....I mean, if I can't get to sewing bags to display here, what's the point? I don't even want to think about all those unfinished projects on my sewing table.
I'm coming up to my 100th post, and I had something special planned. I hope I can still go ahead with my plans when the time comes. Depends on how much energy I have. Meanwhile I really appreciate all your support. It's good to know you're still dropping by. You really are the BEST!
Monday, February 9
A trip to the doc...
Okay, so the weather has turned from bad to worse and there's this new wave of viruses making rounds over here. I wasn't feeling too good this morning (my glands were swollen); not as bad as last time, but definitely something the doctor should look at. So I put on my woolliest sweater and a scarf and my thick outdoor jacket and went to see the doctor. She said my throat didn't look too bad, but she made some blood tests anyway, just in case. I will need to call in tomorrow to find out if the virus has reactivated or if I caught another one (please don't let this be the case). Sigh....
Meanwhile, I'm going to have to cancel some work-related appointments again. Also, if I do have another virus, it's highly infectious and I don't want to be responsible for making other people sick, but I fear my reputation is going to suffer if I keep cancelling work stuff. There's nothing I can do about it. Sorry, this is not a happy post. I'm just so sick (literally) and tired of this whole virus mess and winter dragging on and on and on.
At least I have more time to read your blogs and discover new ones, which is always highly entertaining and brightens my day.