Wednesday, May 27

Getting ready for little kitty

First of all, I'd like to thank each and everyone of you for leaving such kind and uplifting comments in regard to my mom's current situation. I am so thankful for having such awesome blogging friends.

Well, we're just about ready to leave. We had to organize a new set of wheels double quick, because we didn't want to risk driving all that way with less than satisfactory wheels.

I still need to clear some space for my mom's cat. She'll be kept in a separate room the first week. I've arranged everything she needs in there. We think it's best if she gets used to her new surroundings first before meeting her big brofur Sammy. I think Sammy will be fine about it, but not so sure about Sumi - yes, that's her name. Sammy and Sumi. She's about 4 years old, but she's tiny. Also, she is on medication because of a kidney dysfunction. She doesn't like to be held, but she does like to have her fur brushed. She is very, very shy.

I have also ordered one of these: 

Sumi has also got a new cat basket and litter box, but we'll take her old toys and blankets. I really do hope Sammy and Sumi will get along.

And in case you think I've forgotten about crafting it forward - don't worry, I will announce who the winner before I leave...


  1. I am crossing my paws that Sumi and Sammy get along well. The separate room is a good idea, until they get used to the scent and idea of each other. The new tree looks wonderful!

  2. Duni,
    I'm sorry about your Mom. I didn't look at my blogs the last couple of days.
    Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. hey! i love your site! =) keep it up!

  4. Well, Sumi will be off to a great start with a whole to herself and a new scratching post--which is awesome! Be careful on the drive.

  5. Hey Duni... Sammy and Sumi sound so cute together. offer still stands, you have my email addresses so feel free to send me a message anytime, k sweetie?

  6. AnonymousMay 27, 2009

    I'm sure Sammy and Sumi will get along just fine! It may take them awhile to adjust to one another, but I bet they'll love having a new playmate! I can't wait to see pictures of your new furbaby!!

    big hugs and safe travels,

  7. Hoping they get along too. Hope the transition for Sumi is a good one!

  8. Sumi is going to love her new cat tree and her new brofur Sammy! Wishing you safe travels and still keeping your mom in my prayers. Can't wait to see pictures of Sumi!

  9. AnonymousMay 27, 2009

    Awh, I'm sure Sumi will love her new cat tree! Drive safely and hope all is well.

  10. WOW. SUMI IS SO LUCKY TO GET SUCH A GREAT MOM AND TOYS! I bet your kittys will do just fine together. They will get to know each other and be great company for one another. Keep us posted.

  11. I'm sorry about your mom, but WOW! you are doing such a great thing for Sumi, and the house is amazing! I pray everything goes well for everyone. Have a great time with the new kitty, I'm sure she'll appreciate everything you do for her :)

  12. So sorry about your mother Duni, I will keep her and your fam in my prayers. That cat play-gym will be great for the new kitty.

    And you are the FEATURED CRAFTER at my blog today!

  13. I hope its going better with your mother !!

    Kareltje likes the catgym :)
    Sammy and Sumi,
    they are gooood friends
    I now sure ;)
    Take care.....
    Hug to Sammy & Sumi


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