Wednesday, May 20

Just one of those days...

First of all THANK YOU for your concern about my computer trouble! The PC-repairman did a great job getting it up and running again. Thank goodness there is no damage to the hard drives (phew). However, I did lose a week's worth of work. Luckily today is a public holiday, so I will try to re-do my work (from memory) and catch up as much as possible. While I was offline I did the laundry. The clothes horse (does one still say that these days?) broke and all my freshly laundered clothes landed onto the as yet unwashed floor. Hmph. When I opened the bathroom cabinet to get out the detergent, the handle broke. Superglueing it back on did not work. What next? I'm afraid to touch my sewing machine in case that breaks too!!! I guess it's just one of those days. So, what do you think about all this, Sammy?
Ignorance is bliss...


  1. Owwwwwwwww Sammy
    you are soooooooo beautiful when you are sleeping LOL
    I love black/white cats
    (and I have a red/white) HEHE
    His nose is also black,
    soooooo cute :)
    Great shot Duni !!

    We are happy you are back,
    I have the last days also bad connection, many troubles publish comments by other blogfriends:(

  2. aw Duni, I am so sorry all this is happening. I hope it does get better and I am thinking good thoughts for you. God bless.


  3. AnonymousMay 20, 2009

    OH wow, Sammy, you is a handsome mancat. My mommy says to tell your mommy to take a little mini-vacation and to relax for the rest of the day. That way if anything else breaks, she can blame it on someone else. :)


  4. AnonymousMay 20, 2009

    Sorry to hear about the chain of bad luck! They say things happen in 3s, so maybe now you're done:)

    Love it when the kitties show their bellies and teeth...lost in dreams

  5. Glad you're back and that you didn't lose your hard drive! Hopefully the bad luck is over so you can take it easy like Sammy is! Just love that expression and those little fangs sticking out!

  6. I'm glad you're back up and running, and that cat is adorable!

  7. Glad to read that your PC is up and running again.

  8. Sammy, I think mom needs a bit of a hug!
    Glad you're up again and running.

    Thanks for the nice words about my son~he is pretty great if I do say so myself!

  9. Awww sending my kisses to sammy! what a cutie pie...well, i hope you have brighter days ahead. Cheer up! Go ahead and touch your sewing machine I'm sure you'll come up with something beautiful as always!

  10. Well, I'm a believer in bad things happening in 3's, and it sounds like you've had your 3 bad events (the computer, the washer, and the cabinet handle), so you should be good now!

    Glad you were able to get your computer repaired so quickly. :-D

  11. Sammy is so cute!! We have 6 black and white cats. Only one lives in the house!

    I would be afraid to touch the sewing machine too! YIKES! Glad you got your computer up and running again.

  12. Oh no, Duni! Don't. touch. Anything! Sammy has the right idea, lol!

  13. Glad it's getting better! I wanted to let you know that I started a Friday blog carnival called Fall Into Your Family Friday! (We all need more to blog about, right?) I hope you'll participate!

  14. Awwwwww, Sammy is so cute! Looks a lot like my beloved Oreo!

    Glad your 'puter is back up and running!

  15. Mom always says that things happen in threes--so maybe stay away from the sewing machine:)

    Sammy is so precious! I like the little glimpse of teeth in that sleepy smile.


  16. Duni, I stopped by to say hello and send well wishes your way. I hope you, Sammy and the family have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend. God bless.


  17. I love this photo and your talent never fails to amaze me! Thanks so much for keeping up w/ Coco. It means A LOT!

  18. Oh my goodness! What a fattie! Just like my two rabbits!


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