These are always good for a laugh!
1. I- want-ur-money wrote
Hi, ur blog is really nice and interesting, i truly like it. I just wanna suggest that u should go for blog advertising & marketing there is a website which is offering very unique features at affordable prices. There are Expert advertising teams who will promote ur blog & affiliate ads through all over the networks. All u have to do is submit your blog plus pay affordable prices and rest leave it to Advertising Team for Promotion & Marketing then see how u enjoy a lots of quality traffic plus good readers to ur blog.
2. Not-good-at-grammar wrote
Amiable dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you on your information.
3. Brutal-honesty-is-the-best-policy wrote
You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it.
Ha!Ha! The last one cracked me up :)
I refrained from posting the shady ones and comment moderation is now back on for older posts.
Have a good week!
7 hours ago
I had one the other day that was Anonymous(aren't they all?) and said how much they liked my site and that here is a relevant site that they think my readers would like. I didn't have to check out the link, because the link stated exactly what kind of site it was taking you to. Not one that I would want to send anyone to.
ReplyDeleteI probably should do the same but I hate to have to monitor so much. That last one is really funny. At least she gave you a back handed compliment with her spam.
ReplyDeleteI've gotten that second one, cracked me up because I had to wonder what kind of college courses they were taking that my blog post was
ReplyDeleteThat last one is pretty funny! I saw that 2nd one on several blogs but it never made it to mine - yet. Isn't it awful we have to take measures to prevent spammers? You'd think they could find better things to do. helped someone with research on their college assignment? Go you! Hahaha.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha. What a laugh. The last one really cracked me up and the one about the college student really made me rolling. hehehehe. Well, that's Duni for ya, always willing to help out. hehehehe
ReplyDeleteToo funny...I hate these things :)
ReplyDeleteI always think it strange when I see these on blogs. I do wonder what college class a person's blog would provide information....