Hi everybody!
before I introduce you to my new website, I'd like express my admiration to all professional people who build websites/online shopping sites for a living. Wow, once is absolutely enough for me! And a word of advice to any non-professionals (like me) contemplating building one: plan months and months ahead! It is an ongoing process!
When I started out in January of this year I naively thought I could fix one up in a jiffy, much like a blog really. Well, I know better now. I probably should have started working on a product line before setting up a site, instead of the other way around.
Anyway, on to the important news...
I would very much appreciate if you could spare some time to take a look at my new site! Feel free to comment/advise/critique or give me a couple of pointers. I'm still learning, after all. As mentioned in my previous post, there is the option of rating and reviewing the products (note: some products sold already), but you will need to log in to do this. I know it's a pain, and believe me I fiddled around with that quite a bit, but the shop section won't allow that to be removed. Oh well.
So, I have a special prize for one lucky person who makes the effort to actually log in* to the shop section and rates/reviews any of my products! The prize will be a beautiful, handmade clutch similar to this one, and will be revealed on my Facebook Fan Page. One review = one entry. Chances are good, since I doubt a lot of people will make that extra bit of effort...Winner to be handpicked by me this Saturday, 4th September.
* your log in details will be removed once this special giveaway is over
15 minutes ago
Your new site looks great! It' all seems nicely organized and easy to navigate.
ReplyDeleteHey Duni- I did successfully rate some of your products (which was really fun-haha). I also came up with some comments about the site. Take them or leave them of course, but this is what I thought:
ReplyDelete1. I love the overall look of the site. It is very feminine and soft which translates well to your blog and to the look and style of your work. The brown edges frame the bright work well too-great!
2. The site is easy to navigate and very intuitive. Love!
3. I think your home page needs some star product shots- maybe via banner? It would give it a more shop feel to have product there, and, (sad but true) some people get sucked in through good photo, and words don't always have the same appeal.
4. This may just be a personal thing, but I would like to see your about Duni section written from first person point of view. I think that would emphasize the "you" in the work. Written as it is it detaches you a bit from the work and I think some "I's" would communicate that handmade, personal affect that you want in your shop.
5. I think the sort feature in your shop section is a wonderful addition.
6. Way to go, you did it! I'm sure you feel like you have a lot to still tweak and add, but, you accomplished your main goal, and that's major!!!
Congrats on having your site up and running! I tried to create an account so I could go in and rate, but I'm not sure it went through. :( I'll try again soon.
ReplyDeleteI think the site's lovely, and the colors and styling reflect your own style and your purses. The only "off" thing that really struck me was how the main panel seems to be formatted more for an 800 pixel screen, and a lot of people have wider monitors now, so it seems a little too narrow to me.
Other than that, I like it! And welcome to Mr. Calm's world- he does this for a living. :)
Duni, your new website is awesome! Love the pink design and pattern used in the background. Very nice looking! Really like the white evening bag.....too bad we my husband and I don't go out more.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I like it for it's simplicity yet it has all the information and links we need to have as consumers. Very delicate and beautiful color scheme and style. Very easy to navigate.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Duni! I'm so happy for you to finally have your website up and running! I'll figure out how to log in and review something.
ReplyDeleteI like the way your website looks and looked at several items. Is there a way to go from one product to the other from the detail page? I kept looking for a next button but didn't see it so had to back out to go into the next item. I like that I could change the currency to USD!
Honey, if the font were any smaller it would be invisible. Even with my glasses on I had to put my nose right up to the screen! And the print is much too light. I did not register because I was simply not going to type all that information in. Plus it said my browser did not have cookies turned on - that is not true. I use Firefox and it allows cookies.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on getting your website up and running. I think it looks fabulous. I didn't register but I'll try and get back to it later. Your hard work paid off
ReplyDeleteYour site is amazing along with the products as I knew it would be! I love the men's items. I shall be back :)
ReplyDeleteDuni!!! I LOVE your site!!! Love it!! I wish you so much luck with it.. you are amazing!! :)