What a week!
We hadn't really planned on visiting the vet twice - the first time around Sammy got his mandatory annual shots - but a day later we noticed that Sammy was sneezing, rubbing and licking his nose and shaking his head. It looked like he'd caught a cold. So, off we went to the vet again. The whole trip there in the car was awful and nerve-wracking with Sammy making heart-wrenching sounds throughout the ride. Just seeing him so afraid breaks my heart every time :(
Sammy had to endure another couple of shots plus the vet sent us home with medication. Cat owners will know how difficult it is to administer a tablet to a sick kitty! It would be so much easier if they came cheese-flavoured!
While we were there, the vet did a general check-up and apart from the cold Sammy is a healthy cat...well, except for one other thing. The vet pointed out he's a tad overweight (we know) and she recommends he exercise more (we know). Sammy isn't an active cat. He likes licking his toys or snuggling down with or lying on top of them, but you won't see him running after a toy mouse. The one thing that makes him get some exercise is "attacking" the oven mitt - except our arms would always get shredded in the process!
So I sat down one evening and devised a new "toy". I've coined it the Kitty Mitt :)
It's basically an elongated oven mitt. It goes over the elbow. I made it from a cotton fabric with a fun kitty print, added lining and a double layer of interfacing in between. Of course we'll only be testing it out when Sammy is all well again and back to his good old self :)
Hope you all have a great weekend!
9 hours ago