Phew, my day started off with a bit of a scare when I couldn't access my blog! Apparently it was a servor error. I tell you, I'm truly lost without my blog ;-)
Puh, heute morgen hatte ich mich aber erschrocken, als sich mein Blog über zwei Stunden nicht aufrufen ließ! Anscheinend ein Server Problem. Ich sage euch, ohne meinen Blog bin ich verloren ;-)
Zum Glück scheint jetzt alles wieder in Ordnung zu sein. Ein herzliches HALLO an meine neuen Leser! Ich begrüße euch ganz lieb und hoffe ihr bleibt ein Weilchen!
my old ballet (pointe) shoes / meine alten Spitzenschuhe |
Temperatures have really dropped in the last few days. The cold season is truly upon us! Most of you know I'm not a fan, but one thing I do like about winter are the classical ballet perfomances that usually take place this time of year. It was a tradition in my family to visit either the Nutcracker or Swan Lake each year. These days I live too far away from any opera house, so I compensate by watching the performance on TV.
Es ist ziemlich frostig geworden die letzten Tage. In der kalten Jahreszeit werde ich immer leicht melancholisch. Geht es euch auch so? Vielleicht liegt es daran, dass ich mich an Früher erinnere, als ich mit meiner Familie jedes Jahr in die Oper zu einer klassischen Balletaufführung - entweder der Nussknacker oder Schwanensee - ging. Auch wenn ich heutzutage nicht jedes Jahr eine Aufführung "live" sehen kann, so gleiche ich das mit einem Ballettfernsehabend wieder aus :)
![]() |
Royal School of Dance |
There is something magical about the ballet. I used to dance, but had to stop after 12 years due to my weak ankles. Wearing those toe shoes wrecked havoc on my feet and ankles. I was looking through my ballet photos and realized that I didn't have one of my school! Of course I never thought to take any pictures of my ballet school back then. I found this one via google. Sorry I couldn't find a source to credit this picture to. Apologize in advance!
Zwölf Jahre was ich im Ballett bevor ich leider wegen schwacher Fußgelenke aufhören musste. Das Tragen der nicht gerade weichen Spitzenschuhe hat Spuren an meinen Füßen hinterlassen. Neulich, auf der Suche nach alten Ballettfotos, musste ich feststellen, dass ich gar keins von meiner Ballettschule habe. Via Google habe ich das Obige gefunden. Ich konnte leider den Namen des Fotoinhabers nicht finden, sonst hätte ich selbstverständlich auf ihn verwiesen. Sorry!
Do you get melancholy in wintertime? Are there any holiday traditions you have kept up over the years?
Und was macht ihr traditionell zu dieser Jahreszeit?
Have a lovely day!
Habt einen wunderschönen Tag!
p.s. don't miss the Giveaway (ends October 16th)
P.S. Verlosung nicht verpassen (bis 16. Oktober)
Oh what a lovely post about almost 4 year old goes to ballet, which is mosty dancing around but she loves it. She has seen some ballet videos from Swan Lake and is utterly speechless. My husband and I are trying to bring in a new Christmas Tradition in our family, one that our daughter can learn to love and cherish and look forward to.
ReplyDeleteI'm lost when I can't get on the internet of my blog is locked up!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see a ballet someday! I love live performances :)
...liebe Duni,
ReplyDeletewir gehen jedes Jahr zum Kaspertheater und gucken Nostalgie Märchen mit alten Holzpuppen ♥
glg Marion
Oh ja, das mit der Melancholie fängt bei mir auch so im Herbst manchmal an ... :-)
ReplyDeleteUnd ich versuche ein paar Familientraditionen zu etablieren. Allerdings ist das noch in den "Kinderschuhen", da auch meine Kinder noch klein sind. Aber ich finde es schön, wenn man sich später an solche Dinge erinnert und hoffe, das meine Kinder später auch mit Freude - und vielleicht ein wenig Melancholie - an solche Erlebnisse und Traditionen zurückdenken werden. :-)
Liebe Grüße
Hallo Duni,
ReplyDeletewir haben viele tägliche Rituale, aber sicher auch einige feste Traditionen.
So wissen wir zum Beispiel immer wo wir Weihnachten sind, da es sich eingebürgert hat feste Tage für bestimmt Verwandte einzuplanen.
Ansonsten gehen wir einmal im Jahr im Frühling in die Freilichtbühne.
Emma und Luisa tanzen auch Ballett, und Sonntag haben sie ihre Aufführung. Danach wechselt Emma aber zu Jazz Dance.
Mal schauen, ob ich nächste Woche ein Video bloggen kann.
Liebe Grüße
Nothing special in the winter. It was fun seeing your fun thing to do. I just like to try to stay warm like you, I don't like cold weather at all. Hope you have a good day. Glad you enjoyed the donkeys. They are a hoot.
ReplyDeleteMy grandmother always used to see a live performance of the Nutcracker and read A Christmas Carol. Now that my kids are older I would like to take them to more live performances.
ReplyDeleteLiebe Duni, ich find Frauen oder Mädchen die Ballet tanzen so zart und wundervoll, schade dass Du afhören musstest ich kann mir vorstellen es war ne wunderbare Zeit für Dich:-)
ReplyDeleteGanz liebe Grüße
Deine Syl
The last time I went to a live performance of The Nutcracker, I was about 12. I would love to go again. I usually opt for opera or symphony tickets when I have the chance to do something like that, but I love ballet, too. Thanks for sharing your history with dance!
ReplyDeleteglad everything is in working order again for you.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about the cold weather, I'm not looking forward to it's arrival here.
I've never been to a ballet.
We started the tradition of taking the girls to see the Nutcracker last year.. I was waiting until they were big enough to sit still long enough to watch it.. and they loved it. Watching with their eyes big as saucers.. and reenacting the dances as best they remembered after we left. I can cry thinking about it. Duni, You are a dancer.. were, are.. I think if you were a dancer once, you are always a dancer.. the picture of your school is beautiful, gorgeous building.. and your shoes.. what a lovely picture. I danced for 13 years, but never pointe. that takes a special talent, which i did not possess..
I'm sad to say, I've never been to a ballet. It's something I would love to do. Twelve years is a long time. Do you ever wish you could have kept it up? The photos are sweet and I sense the melancholy. I get the same way in the wintertime.
ReplyDeleteDuni, I never knew that you once went to ballet school. When I was a kid I have been fascinated by ballerinas and all those kids who are studying ballet. I love to watch them and I find them all so sophisticated yet still elegant.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I can do for ballet is to wear those adorable ballet shoes. hehehe I can't dance and my body is so stiff.
Your pictures are getting better each time I visit your blog. The colors and the lights are perfect.
Have a great weekend ahead. :)
I thought i saw HELP on you post title earlier yesterday.. hehehe..
ReplyDeleteHow are you Duni :) Hope everything is okay with you... and your health. I know winter is not too great on you.
Ballet.. i never did that. But i always imagine being a ballerina.. *LOL* i had an active imagination as a child. I love ballet but lessons was too expensive for my parents to afford. So our imagination sets in. We did have a pair of ballet shoes at the shoe rack.. we never know who it belonged to.
Hope you'll have a wonderful weekend!
I always panic when Blogger does something that says I can't access my blog! It's an awful feeling!
ReplyDeleteI saw the Nutcracker when I was a kid but don't think I've seen any other ballets. I bet you were a very beautiful ballet dancer!
Lovely post! Thanks for sharing your past and traditions. I took dance when I was little but too many other activities came up. I do have great appreciation for those who can dance ballet, however. Amazing. :)
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing like the Nutcracker at Christmastime. We go nearly every year and it is always a good excuse to just sit and relax around the holidays. I love the music, the dancing, the Mouse King......
ReplyDeleteLiebe Duni
ReplyDeleteAuch bei uns ist es sehr kalt geworden. Wenigstens zeigt sich seit einer Stunde die Sonne am Himmel. Den Herbst habe ich ja eingentlich sehr gerne; aber die langen Nächte, die Dunkelheit, den Nebel und die Kälte mag ich nicht. Ich sehne mich eigentlich schon jetzt nach dem Frühling. Ein bisschen Frühlingsstimmung werde ich mir in den nächsten Tagen holen. Die Tulpenzwiebeln müssen noch gepflanzt werden.
Ein wunderschönes Wochenende wünscht Dir Yvonne
That's lovely Duni:) I've actually never been to a ballet, but would love to go. I know those shoes really destroy your feet!
ReplyDeleteHow fun to find out you used to do ballet!
ReplyDeleteI don't like cold/Winter either. It's fun, though, to curl up in front of a fire, watch movies with my hubby and kitties, watch the snow fly when I'm safe and warm inside.
I saw The Nutcracker live when I was very young. (I've seen it since, too.) I was enthralled by the music. My neighborhood friends and I used to put on the music, dress up, and dance. Fun!
Duni -
ReplyDeleteSo jealous! I wanted so dearly to take ballet as a child...unfortunately it was out of the financial reach of my parents. They had three kids to pay for on my father's meager state employee salary! Then, when my own daughters wanted to take dance, I couldn't afford the lessons as a single parent :(
So wonderful the memories you have! Oh, and love the pics of the shoes!
I love winter and I actually miss it living in Florida. That's why I go to VT so much.
ReplyDeleteLove your silk PJs - think I need some :)