Tuesday, November 22

Thank you blog friends!

Hi friends! I hope you all had a great weekend. I know most of you (living in the US) are busy preparing for Thanksgiving. I did not do much other than packing the last of the handmade gifts and browsing through my blog archive. I started this blog in 2008 mainly to showcase my handmade items as well as promoting handmade in general. Along the way it became much more than that. I found myself blogging about all sorts of topics from traveling to recipes, and my cat Sammy. I shared anecdotes, pictures of seasonal flowers in the garden and even wrote about my hospital visits, which were frequent in 2009/10. Right from the beginning I connected with people in the blogosphere and enjoyed (and still do!) the interaction. And even though not all of what I blog about is happy I'm amazed and truly appreciate that some of you, whom I consider to be my friends, have stuck around all these years, through good and bad times :)
So, this is my way of giving thanks to my dear readers who have become my friends. Thank you! I truly appreciate our friendship.

I know there are many, many more lovely bloggers out there whom I interact with on a regular basis. Know that I appreciate every single one of you and love reading your comments!
At the weekend this was my attempt at making hot cross buns. They are nothing like those that Ann made (I'm sure she must be cringing at the sight of these!). They tasted okay, but somehow turned out a bit tough, plus the marzipan on top broke! Oh well.

I'm looking forward to my 5th year of blogging! * Sehr bald starte ich das 5. Blogjahr. Darauf freue mich!


  1. Meine liebe Duni,

    ich empfinde ganz genauso wie Du! Ich fühle mich sehr geehrt, dass Du mich Namentlich nennst! Du glaubst gar nicht wie froh ich bin, dass ich Dich kennen darf und das wir auf einer Wellenlänge liegen! So liebe Freunde wie Dich findet man sehr selten!
    Ich freue mich immer sehr über Deine lieben Kommentare auf meinem Blog!
    Fühl Dich ganz lieb umarmt!
    Ganz liebe Grüße,

  2. Hallo Duni,

    mensch bist Du flott, da kannst Du die Adventszeit ja richtig in Ruhe genießen.

    Ich finde die Plätzchen wohl gelungen. Sehen auch sehr lecker aus. Ist vermutlich auch schwierig das Kreuz geschlossen zu backen, da der Teig ja aufgeht.

    Schön, daß Du weiter zweisprachig blogst.

    Du bist mir auch schon sehr ans Herz gewachsen, und Dein bezaubernder Blog gehört zu meiner Blogrunde einfach dazu! :-D

    Ich wünsche uns allen viel lesenswertes bei Dir in Deinem fünften Blogjahr!

    Ganz liebe Grüße


  3. Liebe Duni,
    ich freue mich auf Dein fünftes Blogjahr und auf jeden Deiner Posts. Ich lese hier so gerne und diesen Post hast Du so schön geschrieben... ich bin total gerührt. Danke. (wobei Du immer so schön schreibst und ich finde Deine Fotos immer so stimmig und auch die Zusammenstellungen Deiner Collagen .. einfach so speziell Duni).
    Drück Dich Martina

  4. awe.. Duni!! You are so sweet.. I feel the same way about these wonderful people that I have met on my blog.. some of which we even have in common! How fun is that?

    And I promise, those hot cross buns turned out way better than I could ever make!

    Also.. I SHOULD be preparing for Thanksgiving, but I am doing my best at procrastinating! tee hee!

  5. Thank you so much Duni! I feel the same way about you and I'm so happy to have met you and Sammy too!

    I think your hot cross buns look perfect! Ann is going to be very proud of you! :)

  6. I've met the most wonderful friends since I started blogging. It's a very special relationship and bond between people who have never actually met in person. I'm sorry the buns didn't turn out as you hoped, but they look good!

  7. Aw, you made my day Duni. I feel the same way about all the wonderful people I've gotten to know through blogging, you being one of them. Sharla is right, I am proud of you and your hot cross buns are perfect :)

  8. Thank you for the shout out, Duni! I'm so thankful to have you as a friend in the blogging world, too. Congrats on starting your 5th year of blogging here.

  9. I'm grateful for you too, pally!! I can't believe you are on Year 5!! Wow--what an accomplishment. :) I hope you continue with your stories, photos, and lovely creations for a very long time to come. I'm glad we are pallies, Duni. :)

  10. Hi Duni! When I saw my name linked, I thought it might be another person. I may just be too assuming and dreaming. But when I saw my blog linked and you called me a friend, I was soooo happy. You made my day! (Ooops, am I blushing? tee hee)

    I will look forward to more of your blog posts and crafts. I will be one of your many fans. :)

    Btw, even though marzipan broke, the buns still look yummy, matching it with the perfect pink utensils and elegant white plate.

  11. Oh Du liebe, wie ich mich gefreut habe als ich das gelesen habe, mir geht es genauso, ich bin froh dass ich mit bloggen angefangen habe, dass ich soo viele lieben Mädels hier kennen gelernt habe u.a. Dich natürlich Du Süüüße:-)))) obwohl ich in den letzten Tagen leider keine Zeit zum bloggen habe:-( ab und zu lese ich hier und da:-) Dunilein es ist soooo schön dass es Dich gibt!!! liebe, liebe Grüße

    Deine Syl die letzte Nacht bis 4:30 nicht schlafen konnte!!!! habe 100 Sachen zu erledigen.. und laufe jetzt rum wie ein Zombie;-)))

  12. I've really enjoyed getting to know you and reading your blog over the last few months :) I'll definitely be one who's around for the next several years of your blog :)

  13. I've sure enjoyed getting to know you too :)

  14. I am catching up with blog reading and wanted to say thank you! It is a joy to visit your blog and see what you create.
    And yumminess does not have to look good since it is yummy:)



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