Nein, die Rede ist nicht von einer Katze, aber unsere nächste wird auf jeden Fall so heißen :)
I'm referring to this exciting new lifestyle and craft magazine from the UK chock full of all things handmade. If you love craft, you'll love this magazine! Inside you'll find a range of contemporary craft from around the world, vintage finds, amazing tutorials, designer features and a look inside the homes of the craftiest people around!Ich beziehe mich auf das relativ neue DIY Magazin aus England. Neben Handmade, Lifestyle und Living Themen gibt es jede Menge DIY Anleitungen, Vintage Schätze, Shopping Tipps rund um Stoffe, Bänder, Garn und Co. sowie trendy Deko-Ideen und Designer Portraits! Wer "Handmade" mag, wird dieses Magazin lieben. Hierzulande bekommt man (frau) es im Dawanda Kiosk.
Meanwhile...I've submitted my blog to this popular German ladies' magazine called Brigitte. I'm in the running for the "Kreativ Blog Award 2012" (creative blog award 2012). I know that many of my dear readers have voted for me already - Thank you, lovely people - but could I ask everyone else to please follow the link and click on the red heart once? I would so appreciate it. It only takes a couple seconds. And you don't have to log in or anything. I'm up against hundreds, so every "heart" counts :)
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click here / hier klicken |
or copy+paste / oder kopieren+einfügen
Ganz spontan (untypisch für mich) habe ich mich bei mit meinem Blog beworben. Ich weiß, dass viele meiner lieben Leser und Blogfreunde bereits für mich gestimmt haben - ich danke euch vom Herzen - und ich würde mich so sehr über jedes weitere Herz freuen :) Dafür müsst ihr euch nicht anmelden, lediglich den obigen Link klicken und das rote Herz klicken. Aber natürlich nur, wenn euch mein Blog auch wirklich gefällt!
Calling all fabric junkies - enter my giveaway to win a gorgeous fat quarter bundle and cute bag pattern. Only until the end of this week!An alle Stoffjunkies - ich verlose ein wunderschönes Stoffpaket und Taschenschnittmuster. Nur noch bis Ende dieser Woche!
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click here to win / hier klicken um zu gewinnen |
Have a great week. Take care!
Habt eine schöne Woche. Macht's gut!
Mollie looks like a great magazine. I like those cuffs; I don't wear them but if I did I would want something feminine like the ones featured. What I like about some of the European craft magazines that I have seen is that are 'sweet' and pretty and they do such a great job conveying a lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteAnd I voted:)
Artful Rising
oh my, the cover of that magazine....luv....I want it...teehehehe. You are a super talented gal...cute stuff in your Etsy shop...hope your week is fabby!
ReplyDeleteenjoy *~*
Wow Duni! Of course I will vote for you. I'll even do it everyday. Sending you a lot of good vibes my friend
ReplyDeleteI already voted for you :) good luck!
ReplyDeleteHi Duni.
ReplyDeleteMeine Stimme hast du :-)
GLG Annette
Hallo Duni,
ReplyDeletemeine Stimme hast Du! :-)
Viele liebe Grüße
That looks like a beautiful magazine. And good luck with the contest!
ReplyDeletedie Brigitte-Aktion ist echt verführerisch ;)
ReplyDeletemein Liste der Blogs, die ich verfolge wird immer länger ;)
LG Agnes
Liebe Duni,
ReplyDeletedie Zeitschrift kenne ich nicht, hört sich aber toll an!
Ich habe Dir eben ein Herz bei Brigitte geschenkt :-)
LG Yvonne
Hi, I just voted for you. Yes, I love Mollie, I have a few issues now, and I get so inspired just browsing through it. Happy Monday.
.... natürlich bekommst auch du ein klick im Herz von mir ♥
ReplyDeleteBussi Marion
Just wanted you to know I awarded you with the Versatile Blogger Award I really enjoy reading your blog!
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard of that Mollie before but it looks fun to peruse through!
ReplyDeleteI voted for you!
I voted! Good luck, I know you'll get it!
ReplyDeleteThe UK has some of the best hobby stuff. I'll put in a vote for you. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteHI Duni! I voted you..
ReplyDeleteIt's been a long time since my last visit here.
I love to subscribed that Mollie Magazine. I hope it's available here in Canada. I've been here since last August...
BTW, I got my domain name for my craft blog. It's
That looks like a great magazine. I went over and voted for you.
ReplyDeleteGood Luck
have heard recently of mollie, but hadn't seen it yet. looks like a good one! best of luck with the voting....i've clicked.
ReplyDeleteI love the arm cuffs on the cover of Mollie...very cute!
ReplyDeleteI totally sent in a vote for you for deserve it for all your hard work and your beautiful creations!
Best of luck with the Kreativ Blog Award 2012! I voted for you ;)
ReplyDeleteBecause you are awesome, I chose you as one of the recipients for The Versatile Blogger award. Please visit Geca's Realm
That magazine is right up your alley. :) Good luck with the contest-- I voted for you! :)
ReplyDeleteJust got back from voting :)
ReplyDeleteNow I'm off to see if I can get Mollie shipped to the US!
Ich habe natürlich schon läääääängst für dich abgestimmt. Leider ging es nicht nochmal.
ReplyDeleteGanz liebe Grüße
deine Yvi
oooo.....Mollie looks fabulous!
ReplyDeleteI voted for you again, so apparently we can vote once a day. I wish you the best of luck!
I just voted for your blog. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteLiebste Duni, weil mir Dein Blog so gut gefällt und Du ein so sympatischer Mensch bist, habe ich gleich nochmal für Dich gevoted. ;D
PS: Jetzt hast Du so viele Nachrichten von mir... ich hoffe, es sind nicht zu viele... :)