Monday, April 16

Monday Moodboard

I suffered from a bad migraine all weekend. I'm no stranger to migraines but when it hits it's impossible for me to get any work done let alone any sewing. Anyway I found some soothing items for today's moodboard - all from European Street Team sellers on Etsy!

1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4
Ich hatte das ganze Wochenende eine heftige Migräne, so daß ich nicht ein einziges neues Teil nähen konnte. Naja, ist nicht zu ändern. Unterdessen habe ich bei Etsy gestöbert und diese schönen Dinge entdeckt - die hätte ich sehr gut gebrauchen können! Alle Produkte sind von europäischen Etsy Verkäufern.

And specially for Lin, a photo of the bird's nest I wrote about a while back. The magpies were flitting about in the garden, but I couldn't get a proper photo of them, they were too fast.

Zuletzt noch ein Bild von dem Elster-Vogelnest. Dies ist speziell für Lin, die es unbedingt sehen wollte.

Thanks for stopping by today. Hope you are all doing great!

Wünsche euch allen einen guten Start in die Woche!



  1. Du arme. Migräne ist was fürchterliches. Überlege mir gerade, ob man da so schöne Dinge überhaupt noch wahrnimmt.
    Eine schöne und vor allem gesunde Woche!

  2. Oh Süße! Gute Besserung, ich kenne es und die letzten Tage sind besonders schlimm das Wetter macht micht FEEERTIG! Kopfweh jeden Tag und jetzt habe ich mich auch noch erkältet, Halsweh buuu:-(( Schöne Schätzchen haste ausgesucht!


  3. Da wünsche Ich Dir schnell gute Besserung, dass Du wieder den Frühling genießen kannst!!!

  4. Oh liebe Duni, Du Arme! Ich hoffe, dass es Dir heute schon etwas besser geht. Meine Mutter hatte auch immer das ganze Wochenende Migräne. Das ist wirklich schlimm. Hoffentlich hast Du sie nicht zu oft!
    Ich drücke Dich ganz doll!

    Alles Liebe,

  5. Beautiful moodboard! I hope you'll get better from your migraine.
    Have a nice week!

  6. WOW! That nest is really up high! I don't think we have magpies in this area. I wish you lots of little babies in that nest!

    Thanks for posting the photo for me. :) You know I love that stuff!

    Hope you are feeling better today.

  7. so sorry about the migraine! I've only had a few in my life and they weren't bad (compared to what others have reported). I have had 3 episodes called "weird migraines" with no headache, but amnesia. I hope I have no more of those!

    Those certainly are soothing items!

    love the bird's nest. It's fun to see the nests scattered about in the bare branched trees. Last year I was privileged to watch a robin build a nest and lay eggs. Then I got to watch the one hatchling develop.

  8. Sorry to hear about your migraine! Hope you're feeling better. Love your soothing item finds!

  9. Oh no... a headache... I had one of those for two years after giving myself a concussion a three years ago. Not nice! sure hope you feel much better now... give yourself the rest your head needs if you can. It's always the best solution!
    Blessings for health this week!

  10. Liebste Duni,
    oh menno, ich wünsch´Dir ganz schnell gute Besserung!
    Du hast ja superschöne Dinge rausgesucht!
    Drück Dich ganz doll!

    Ach ja, den Stoff hab ich etwas an Siennas Jakenkragen vernäht, Bündchenbänder an den Ärmeln und coole Jeansherzen auf die Jacke appliziert-in der Mitte auch nochmal Deinen Stoff. Sieht so süüüß

    Liebe Grüße

  11. Hope your migraine is better! Great soothing finds :)

  12. hope you're feeling better duni. that stinks that you had a migraine all weekend. love the moodboard. lovely.

  13. Wonderful calming finds! I hope that you're feeling better now.

  14. Too bad about the migraine. I have a niece who gets really bad ones. She's even had surgery to try and help with them. Any one of those items on your mood board look like they could make you feel better.

  15. So sorry about the Migraine! I get them too, not as often anymore - thankfully. But they always wipe me out. Hope you feel better

  16. Hope you're feeling better now! I like the choices in your mood board! That nest is sure high up in that tree. Hope no little birdies ever fall out!

  17. I hope you're feeling better. Migraines are no fun, I know.

  18. Oh, wow, you and I both have a bird theme going on at our blogs! :) I just love watching the nests this time of year, don't you?

    And I'm sorry about your migraine. John had one Sunday, and he gets them from time to time-- it's an understatement to say they're no fun at all! Are you feeling better now?

    ("Keep Calm and Drink Tea": sounds good to me.)

  19. Hi Duni! I hope you are doing fine now. Don't overwork :) take things easy. The last picture was priceless. I love the blend of the sky and the trees. Very refreshing and relaxing!

  20. Sorry to hear about your migrane!!! in the other hand, loved the items you posted!

  21. ohh liebe Duni...wie schade....ich wunsche dir gute Besserung !! - with get well soon hugs, Sunayana

  22. Beautiful selections! Hope you are feeling better.

  23. Liebe Duni
    Oh.... das sind wirklich tolle Sachen!
    Ich hoffe, dass es Dir inzwischen wieder gut geht. Jedenfalls wünsche ich Dir ganz gute Besserung und schicke Dir liebste Grüsse aus der Schweiz. Herzlichst Yvonne

  24. Oh, sorry to hear you have been struggling with a migrane. That can really wipe you out for a bit, hope it's passed now. Lovely picks!

  25. I hope your head feels better Duni! It is no fun suffering from a migrane. The moodboard is certainly soothing. I was at a wildlife sanctuary Sunday attempting to photograph birds. Those cute critters do not want to pose for the camera!

  26. Sorry you had a migraine, I hope you are feeling better now. Your finds are lovely and perfect for some quite time.
    Everyday Inspired

  27. Hi Duni--
    You have visited my site several times, and I hadn't realized that I was not a follower of your blog--I am now! Lovely!

  28. Das sind wirklich tolle Sachen!
    Liebe Grüße,


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