Saturday, October 13

Back Home

View from the mountain hotel // Aussicht vom Ferienhotel

Our mini-vacation started with our flight being cancelled. We lost a whole day, and then we almost didn't make it onto the next flight because an elderly gentleman lost his hearing aid at the security entrance and we just happened to be standing behind him in that row. Precious minutes ticked by as a bunch of security people searched the floor and most of the waiting passengers joined in! I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. We finally arrived at our destination amidst heavy rain. I'm sure we will laugh about this in five years or so...
Just a short post today to let you know I'm back. I missed you guys :) I hope to post some pics next week - there aren't that many I'm afraid, due to the bad weather conditions. Anyway, I've got so much to catch up on and I can't wait to do my blog round!
Unser Mini-Urlaub fing damit an, dass unser Flug annulliert wurde. Dadurch haben wir einen ganzen Tag verloren. Beinahe hätten wir den nächstmöglichen Flug auch verpasst, da ein älterer Herr sein Hörgerät ausgerechnet beim Security verlor und wir natürlich genau hinter ihm in der Reihe standen. Die Security Leute fingen an den Boden abzusuchen und viele der Passagiere ebenfalls! Leider erfolglos. Ehrlich gesagt hat er mir Leid getan; er schaute so verzweifelt. Stunden später haben wir dann endlich unser Ziel erreicht. Es goß wie aus Kübeln. Ich bin sicher in fünf Jahren lachen wir darüber...
Nur ein kurzer Post heute, denn die Arbeit ruft. Ich habe Euch vermisst :) Ich hoffe nächste Woche ein paar Bilder zu zeigen - leider habe ich nicht viele Aufnahmen machen können, da es andauernd geregnet hat. Jetzt muß ich aber erstmal meine Blogrunde machen. Ich hoffe, ich habe nicht zuviel verpasst!

Oh, and upon our arrival back home a new little kitty greeted us. Extremely shy but very sweet. No idea where she's/he's come from, but seems to feel right at home here :)
Und zuletzt noch: zuhause angekommen begrüßte uns ein neues kleines getigertes Kätzchen. Extrem schüchtern, aber sehr süß. Keine Ahnung wo es hergekommen ist, aber es scheint sich hier wohl zu fühlen :)


  1. Willkommen zuhause...auch wenn der Beginn Eures Urlaubs eher holprig war, hoffe ich, dass ihr dennoch eine schöne Zeit hattet! Der Ausblick auf dem Foto ist jedenfalls atemberaubend schön!

  2. Liebe Duni,
    schön, daß Du wieder da bist!
    Der Ausblick ist schonmal vielversprechend, bin gespannt auf mehr...
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende und sei ♥lich gegrüßt,

  3. Welcome back :) Hope the rest of the trip went better than the start!
    How nice to have a sweet new friend greet you at the door :)

  4. Welcome home! I'm sorry for your unhappy experience but I hope the trip was marvelous! Show me the kitty, Duni!

  5. The rain was feeling benevolent and covered us for all of the four days we were in Normandy too! Still it was great to have a change of scenery! Welcome back!

  6. Still what a pretty place! I love weather like this ... makes you want to snuggle up and get cozy :) Where did you're little friend come from? was he on your doorstep? do show a pic!

  7. Hello Duni,

    Sounds like you had an eventful trip but hopefully it was all worth it in the end!


  8. Wow! Breathtaking photo of the mountains Duni. I would love to read your next posts about the place.

    PS I would love to visit the place too. Looks so serene and relaxing.

  9. Ich freu mich sehr das du wieder da bist und wünsch dir ein tolles Restwochenende! Es grüßt dich ganz lieb, Ka.Ho.

  10. Beautiful view, I so wish I could be in the mountains now! They are magical in autumn.

  11. Welcome back! Sorry you had some challenges on your trip, but you did have an amazing view from your room.
    Everyday Inspired

  12. Welcome back! That view looks amazing. Waiting around in the airport is no fun for a canceled flight.

  13. Welcome back! We missed you too! Sorry the rain put a damper on your time away (no pun intended). Word must be out that your place is the new kitty hangout!

  14. Hi Duni, I'm sorry to hear that your vacation didn't go as smoothly as it should. I hope that you still got some peaceful rest after that and enjoyed it anyway?

    The photo looks majestic!

  15. Welcome home! So sorry to hear about the travel logistics. :( I look forward to seeing your pictures and hearing about the new kitty.

  16. What a spectacular view! I do hope the rest of your trip made up for the beginning.
    A new kitty to love...cant wait to see pictures!

  17. Welcome back Duni! The beginning of your vacation sounds stressful! I hope it got better. :) This new kitty knows you have a soft spot for the feline cuties!

  18. The view from your hotel is simply spectacular!! I'm so sorry that you had so much rain, though (sounds like our trip away!). Glad you're back safe and sound. :)


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