Thursday, March 28

Handmade Fashion Show (Part 2)

This is part two of the handmade trend report 2013.
Dies ist Teil zwei vom Handmade trend report 2013

At the end of the day I went to see a handmade fashion show organised by Initiative Handarbeit, an association promoting the handmade movement. This show serves to visually present the coming trends in colours, textures and techniques - which in my opinion is more effective than reading it on paper.
The quality of the photos isn't the best, as the models were moving at quite a fast pace, plus there was this simultaneous light show going on, which tinged them in green, yellow and purple light! Also, there was this man in the front row whose head kept bobbing up at the most inopportune moments, so I had to cut him out of the photo ;-) Hope you enjoy them anyway...

Am Ende des Tages gab es eine Handmade Modenschau, organisiert von der Initiative Handarbeit, ein Verein zur Förderung aller Handarbeiten. Diese Schau zeigt die aktuellen Trends in der Handarbeitsszene - Neue Materialien, neue Techniken, neue Looks und Farben! Sorry, die Qualität der Fotos ist leider nicht die Beste (ich hatte nur die Digicam dabei). Zudem bewegten sich die Models mit recht schnellem Tempo über den Laufsteg! Außerdem gab es gleichzeitig eine Licht-Show, welche die Models eigenartig grün, gelb und lila aussehen ließ! Und da war dieser Mann in der ersten Reihe, dessen Kopf zu den unpassendsten Momenten ins Bild schlich, also musste ich ihn aus dem Foto schneiden ;-) Ich hoffe, die Fotos gefallen Euch trotzdem...

Bright colours vs neutrals

Pastels vs Neon


Laminated fabrics
I love the knitted stripey knee-high socks in the see-through rainboots!
Buntes Wachstuch
Die gestrickten Ringelsocken in durchsichtigen Gummistiefeln finde ich toll!

The unique knitted wedding dress was the final outfit
Die Schau endete mit diesem originellen Hochzeitskleid aus Strick

Thanks for stopping by...have a wonderful day!
Habt ein wundervollen Tag!


  1. Liebe Duni,
    tolle Eindrücke!
    Danke auch wieder für Deine so lieben Zeilen!
    Ich wünsch Dir einen schönen Tag und auch schon mal ein wunderschönes und fröhliches Osterfest!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  2. Love all the bright colors and fun textures! Those rain boots + colorful socks are so fun :)

  3. I really like the sweaters. Great colors and a variety of lengths. Nice post.

  4. Unglaublich schöne Eindrücke! Das Hochzeitskleid ist ja wirklich etwas ganz besonderes!

    Ich wünsche Dir schöne Osterfeiertage und da wir ja beide arbeiten müssen, wünsche ich Dir auf jeden Fall ein paar erholsame Momente zwischendurch und mir wünsche ich die auch ;)
    Sei ganz lieb gegrüsst von Deinem GlamourGirl!

  5. A confession to make, I've never been to fashion show all throughout my life haha But this is unique because if I'm not mistaken, everything was handmade?

  6. wow! what a show ... all with handmade! how cool!! wish I could have given a few of the models my jewelry to wear with those :)

  7. How great that they spotlight handmade! I was just thinking that I liked the cute raincoats and boots, and then I read your comment -- see through boots! How cool!

  8. Great photo Duni! I love that everything is handmade on the runway. The raincoats are my favorite. :) That last piece is fabulous!

  9. This is fascinating! Thanks for sharing!
    I see some trends from the past (such as 80s tight pants/leggings). Of course there are different twists on those past trends and some are mixtures.

  10. Striped socks with see through boots! I love that so much. What a fun mix of colors and styles. It's fun to see so many hats in a fashion show, too.

  11. So cool! I love that it's all handmade!

  12. The shorts, how I would love to wear shorts again. The show looks like fun!

  13. Some great outfits there and how cool that it's all hand made. Those see through boots are awesome.

  14. It looks very vintage inspired! This trade show must have been even larger than I imagined!

  15. I'm loving all of the skinny jeans! The floral blouses toward the end are very pretty, too. What a cool event!

  16. Love the rain coats! Sure wish I had a body like those models! :)

  17. Fascinating! The textures are so creative. Looks like it was a very interesting and fun event!

  18. Hallo Duni,
    Danke für die schönen Bilder.
    Schöne Menschen in schönen Kleidern....
    Ich wünsche Dir wunderschöne Ostertage und schicke Dir ganz herzliche Grüße, Iris

  19. Danke für den wirklich ausführlichen tollen bekommt wirklich einen sehr guten Einblick und macht Lust aufs Selbermachen. Dir ein frohes Osterfest und ein paar erholsame Tage. Bella

  20. I feel like I was sitting next to you at the show...but not annoyed at the man sitting infront bobbing his head around!

    Thanks for sharing...I think my favorites were the laminated fabric coats!

  21. What an amazing show! I was amused by the knitted hats with the long braids--will those really be a trend?! I have some earflat hats in my shop with long braids (not quite that long!) that I'd dearly love to sell.

  22. What an amazing show! I was amused by the knitted hats with the long braids--will those really be a trend?! I have some earflat hats in my shop with long braids (not quite that long!) that I'd dearly love to sell.

  23. It's so fantastic that it's all handmade! The colors are fantastic and I just love the raincoats and socks!

  24. Buona Pasqua...un abbraccio.

  25. Wow, das muss ja eine tolle Modenschau gewesen sein! Die Sachen gefallen mir unheimlich gut. Auf manche Ideen muss man erstmal kommen! Super!

    Allesliebste Grüße,
    Verena :)

  26. Allerliebste Grüße meinte ich eigentlich. Ja, ja, deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache. ;o)

  27. I love fashion shows, and this one looks like it was fantastic. All those cool handmade items, it must have been fun to watch them come down the runway.
    Everyday Inspired


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