© D. Buesken |
Hi there, lovelies!
As some of my regular readers may know I have recently begun selling
fine art photos in my second Etsy shop as well as photographic products on
Society6. Prior to opening my shops I researched the legal situation of selling photography. The rules and regulations may differ from country to country (and there are plenty), so I've compiled a list of information which seemed the most important here:
► In Germany there is the so called "freedom of panorama". Commercial photos are allowed of permanent art, monuments and landmarks, such as the Berlin Wall as long as it's from a public access point during day time. The same holds true for the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris, however, night-time photos of the tower are NOT allowed, since the
light display is copyrighted. You will need to get a special permit from the company that owns the tower.
► obviously it is NOT allowed to take photos of military and energy facilities as well as air and seaports. If you are in a private property or government building you'll need permission from the owner to photograph (i.e. inside a shopping mall, museum, library etc.)
► there are a few restrictions for using a tripod (typically inside malls, train stations or subways where there is a lot of foot traffic) plus it is NOT allowed to photograph through a window looking in (such as photographing window displays or someone's living room). Again, you'll need special permission from the owner!
► street scenes including people: allowed for commercial use if the people aren't recognizable, however, if the photo includes people facing the camera and clearly visible, then it is best to ask their permission first, to avoid getting a cease-and-desist warning.
► obviously it is NOT allowed to photograph anywhere/anything there is a
sign that says "no photography allowed" (you wouldn't believe how many
people ignore this!)
via Society6 |
Hallo, Ihr Lieben!
Einige meiner Leser wissen, dass ich vor einiger Zeit
Fotodrucke in meinem zweiten Etsy Shop sowie Fotoprodukte bei
Society6 verkaufe. Vorab hatte ich mich zu der rechtlichen Lage informiert, denn da gibt es jede Menge zu beachten! Zum Glück kann man in Deutschland (fast) bedenkenlos Kunstwerke, Gebäude und Skulpturen ablichten, insofern diese auf öffentlichen Plätzen stehen und permanent sind. Hier gibt es die sogenannte "Panoramafreiheit". Wichtig ist, dass man das Foto aus einer zugänglichen Strassenperspektive macht und nicht aus einem angrenzenden Gebäude heraus fotografiert! Dagegen nicht erlaubt sind Fotos von vorübergehend ausgestellten Kunstwerken. Bei Strassenszenen bin ich immer vorsichtig. Lieber fotografiere ich menschenleere Orte, als später eine Abmahnung zu bekommen, weil da ein deutlich erkennbares (fremdes) Gesicht im Vordergrund zu sehen ist!
Special Offer
From today through Sunday 9th March, PMT get
FREE SHIPPING on all Society6 products,
except framed art prints, stretched canvases and throw pillows with insert by clicking this
Linking up with my friend
Verena today!