Der Flieder in Nachbar's Garten verströmt einen herrlichen Duft. Schade, dass er so schnell verblüht. Der pastellige Farbton hat mich zu meiner heutigen MontagsCollage inspiriert. Ich hoffe sie gefällt Euch!
11 hours ago
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Love it!! ♥ Hatte auch Flieder dabei auf dem Markt, als Deko... musste ihn auch zweimal tauschen... aber sein Duft entschädigt für alles , lach
ReplyDeleteGanz liebe Grüße
Hallo liebe Duni,
ReplyDeletebei uns blüht der Flieder direkt am Haus und ich mag den Duft und alle Pastelltöne sehr gern.
Viele liebe Grüße, Synnöve
This is a great moodboard. I love the lilac paiting. We had lilac bushes in our yard when I was growing up and I always loved the smell of them.
ReplyDeleteOoooh, that stack of washi tape makes me want to get away from the computer and make something. :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat pretty pastels! Love that cool vase!
ReplyDeleteI don't think my lilacs are going to bloom this year. We started them as sticks last year, so maybe next year I'll get to smell their heavenly scent :)
Lovely colors! Why do i like washi tape so much! :))
ReplyDeleteSo pretty,... in love with that Painting:)
ReplyDeleteLiebste Duni,
ReplyDeleteDeineCollage ist zauberhaft und der Flieder duftet bis zu mir *lächel*
Im GArten ist er schon am verblühen, aber noch verströmt er seinen zarten Duft :O)
Ich wünsche Dir noch einen schönen Nachmittag!
♥ Allerliebste Grüße , Claudia ♥
love flowers! this is a beautiful MM Duni! have a sweet and happy week ahead!!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen lilacs in so long! They are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI'm enjoying the blooms while they last here in Florida, before the heat kills 'em all! :)
ReplyDeleteI love that vase, I hopped on over to the shopped and I had to add one of their vases to my wishlist...
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful color! I love the scent of lilacs too. They smell like gorgeous weather!
ReplyDeletePastels make my heart sing! Another beautiful moodboard!
ReplyDeletePretty pretty! Love the geometric vase.
ReplyDeleteGorgeous Collection D. :)
ReplyDeleteAs I am away from my garden right now, the real estate agent emailed me the other day to say how pretty the lilac looked and how wonderful the scent was just outside the kitchen door, made me a little sad and happy at the same time, good job I have lots of photos of my garden to remind me of all the prettiness and hard work that went in to it :)
Have a wonderful week, cheers, T. :)
I love lilacs too! We had many old fashioned shrubs everywhere, when I lived in the Midwest! I miss them!
ReplyDeleteNothing smells better than lilacs. Great picks!
ReplyDeleteWhat a happy surprise to see my little pastel owl plush toy/rattle in this lovely collection!!! Thank you, Duni! Love the purple flowers, of course -- and the pastel washi tape!
ReplyDeletebeautiful board ... loving the lilac painting! yeah! happy spring
ReplyDeleteSo soft and pretty! I love lilacs and wish they bloomed all summer long!
ReplyDeleteI wish all the trees and bushes would flower all summer. What a treat they are for the nose and eyeballs!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful colours - so calming and yet not bland.
ReplyDeleteI never get tired of pastels! What a lovely moodboard you've assembled!
ReplyDeleteRefreshing pastels! I love the selections even though it doesn't showcase much of blue hahaha