Wednesday, July 8

Life Lately (sad)

First of all, thank you, dear blog friends, for expressing your concern in your messages and emails. I truly appreciate it!! I'm fine, if somewhat emotionally and physically exhausted. My mother, who has been seriously ill for a long time was transferred to the palliative care unit two weeks ago. When I heard she'd been moved I hopped on the earliest flight I could find. She's in severe pain and it is distressing to witness. It is frustrating to sit beside her and feel so helpless! I was there a whole week and besides having to go through all sorts of scary paperwork I also took care of my mom's cat who I will be picking up next week and bringing her back to my place. Also a scary thing, as she is an indoor cat and will have to share our home with Sammy, resident cat. Time will tell how that will turn out. Of course my mom misses her terribly and it saddens me that she won't be able to see her one last time, as she will not be returning back to her home. I'm grateful, though, to all her friends and kind neighbours who have been so supportive these past few weeks. The building complex my mother lived in for over a decade has a communal garden and a few of the long-time residents have planted and tended to a variety of pretty flowers for the benefit of all. They are in full bloom now, so I snapped some photos with my phone, to show to my mother in the care unit, as I knew she would love seeing them. I also thought it might distract her from the constant pain. You might like to look at the flowers in the slide show below too! I'm not sure what comes next, but currently I simply don't have the energy to keep up with blogs and social media. What little energy I have left I need to focus on my business. I do hope you understand. The easiest way to stay in touch with me is via instagram - if you wish. I do hope things return back to "normal" very soon.
Zunächst möchte ich mich bei meinen lieben Blog-Freunden für Eure besorgten emails bedanken. Es tut so gut zu wissen, dass Ihr an mich denkt!! Mir geht es soweit gut; bin jedoch emotional und körperlich ziemlich erschöpft. Meine Mutter, die seit langem schwer krank ist, wurde vor zwei Wochen auf die Palliativstation verlegt. Als ich es erfahren habe bin ich sofort hingeflogen. Sie leidet unter heftigen Schmerzen und es belastet mich sehr, das hautnah mitzuerleben. Es ist frustrierend daneben zu sitzen und sich so hilflos zu fühlen! In der Woche wo ich dort war habe ich mich natürlich um die süße Katze meiner Mutter gekümmert. Und schon nächste Woche werde ich sie zu mir nach Hause holen. Sie vermisst sie schrecklich und es macht mich sehr traurig, dass sie sie nicht ein letztes Mal zu sehen bekommt, da sie nicht in der Lage ist zu ihrer Wohnung zurückzukehren. Es kommt noch einiges auf mich zu, deshalb bin ich dankbar für die liebe Unterstützung von Freunden und den netten Nachbarn. In dem Häuserkomplex wo meine Mutter seit über zehn Jahren lebte bin ich sehr netten Menschen begegnet. Einige der langjährigen Anwohner haben im gemeinschaftlichen Garten Beete mit hübschen Blumen bepflanzt die momentan in voller Blüte stehen. Ich habe mit dem Handy einige Fotos davon gemacht, um sie meiner Mutter auf der Station zu zeigen, denn ich weiß wie sehr sie sie mag und ich hatte auch gehofft sie damit von den ständigen Schmerzen abzulenken. In der nachfolgenden Diashow könnt Ihr sie ebenfalls anschauen. Ich habe keine Ahnung wie es weitergeht, nur das es mir momentan an Kraft fehlt meine üblichen Blogrunden zu drehen oder auf Social Media aktiv zu sein. Die wenige Energie die ich habe reicht gerade um meine Arbeit zu erledigen.Vor mir liegt eine anstrengende Zeit. Bitte seid mir nicht böse, wenn ich nicht wie gewohnt regelmäßig bei Euch vorbeischaue...wenn ihr mögt könnt Ihr mit mir am ehesten auf Instagram  Kontakt halten.

Thank you for reading along, take care


  1. I am so sorry you are having to go through this, and very sorry for your mom too. Purrs to you, and to your mom's kitty too. I hope Sammy accepts her without too much trouble.

  2. Sorry to read this dear Duni...♥

    Hugs, Tracey-Ann

  3. Meine allerliebste Maus ♥ Bitte denk nicht daran das dir jemand böse ist, das du nicht bei ihm vorbei schaust! Das ist das letzte worüber du dir jetzt Sorgen machen solltest! Du bist ein wunderbarer Mensch, und jeder der seine Mutter liebt kann sich vorstellen in welcher Lage du dich momentan befindest... sowas ist erdrückend und ich denk wirklich ganz, ganz fest an dich! Verbringe die Zeit so, das du am Ende sagen kannst du hast nichts davon bereut und genau das getan was du für richtig gehalten hast ♥ Ich wünsch dir trotz alle dem ganz viel Kraft und drücke dich ganz doll!
    Du wirst das alles durchstehen, glaub mir ♥

    Liebst, deine Duni :*

  4. I'm so sorry to hear you are going through such a difficult time right now. Sending hugs and prayers for both you and your mom.

  5. Liebe Duni,
    ich wünsche Dir ganz viel Kraft und starke Nerven für diese schwere Zeit.
    Viele liebe Grüße, Synnöve

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about the difficult time you have to go through. I'm sending my prayers your way. Stay strong!

  7. AnonymousJuly 08, 2015

    Oh, how awful, all of it. I'm so sorry. You're being such a good daughter and it must help your mom a lot to know her kitty will be well loved. Give the two cats time--they could very well end up being best of friends. Try not to push yourself too hard in the days to come . . .

  8. You have been in my thoughts so much lately Duni! It's times like this when I wish we all lived close by so I could give you a big hug!
    Family always comes first and I hope you get to spend as much time with your mom as you can.
    The flowers are so beautiful. I'm sure your mom really appreciated seeing them :)

  9. So sorry to hear this, hang in there and be strong, my best wishes, prayers and hugs to you and your Mom...don't loose hope the tough time will pass...The flowers are so beautiful:)

  10. My heart is breaking with you, Duni. I do know what you're going through because I have gone through something similar. I hope the kindness of those whom you know and love, and of strangers, too, brings you some comfort.
    What lovely flowers! I'm sure your mom appreciated seeing them.
    You are on my heart and mind, dear Duni.

  11. Peace to your heart...

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom Duni. That was a beautiful idea to take photos of the communal garden to brighten up her day. She is lucky to have a daughter like you and that are able to car for her feline friend. Take care.

  13. Meine liebe Duni,
    genau das habe ich schon befürchtet gehabt.
    Es tut mir so leid, für Dich und für Deine Mutter. Ich kann so gut mit Dir mitfühlen, denn genau dieses haben wir hier auch schon durchgemacht. Es war eine furchtbare Zeit.
    Ich wünsche Dir jetzt ganz viel Kraft und starke Nerven, denn die brauchst Du jetzt, damit Deine Mutter nicht allein ist.
    Alles, alles Gute von mir an Deine Mama und an Dich.
    Deine ANi
    P.S.: Es rührt mich gerade alles sehr, ich habe Tränen in den Augen.

  14. I am sorry for all you are experiencing at this time. I hope that all will be better very soon.
    I am sure the pictures of the flowers were pleasant for your mother to see.

  15. I am so sorry to hear about your mom, Duni, and wish she wouldn't be in so much pain. Hopefully, by being in palliative care, she will get some relief. When we went through this with my dad, my biggest concern was that he not be in pain. We brought him pictures, just as you have done for your mom, because he couldn't leave his bed. Sending you and your mother positive wishes and hugs!

  16. Oh, Duni, I am so sorry to hear this. I am praying for you and your mom...and the kitties. There just seems to be too much going on for you right now.

    Sending love, hugs, and peace for all that you are enduring.

  17. I can only imagine how difficult this is for everyone. I will keep you and your mom in my prayers. God bless you all.

  18. AnonymousJuly 09, 2015

    Times like these.
    Hold drops of life and downpour memories.
    You already cherish the moments.
    Peaceful blessings to you and your Mom.

  19. Meine liebste Duni,
    ich habe eben erst Deinen traurigen Post gelesen und es tut mir so leid für Dich und Deine liebe Mama!
    Es ist gut zu wissen, daß Du liebe Nachbarn und Freunde hast, die Dich in dieser schweren Zeit unterstützen! Ich wünsche Dir ganz viel Kraft, ich werde Euch in meine Gebete einschliessen und an Euch denken!
    Nun schicke ich Dir eine ganz liebe und feste Umarmung!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße, Deine Claudia ♥

  20. my continued prayer for your mama and for your spirit! many hugs and love from Florida)))))

  21. The floral slideshow is gorgeous -- I'm sure that your mom appreciated and loved it too. So wonderful of the residents to keep up such a beautiful garden :)
    My heart is with you, take care, and many hugs sent for you and your lovely mother.

  22. Dear Duni, I wish I knew more to say than that you and your mom are in my thoughts. Those flower look lovely, I am sure your mom would appreciate those pictures you've taken. I hope her cat will adjust without too much trouble.

  23. You have been in my thoughts Duni. I'm sorry all this is happening but am glad you were able to spend time with your mom. It was lovely of you to take photos of the flowers to show her too. We're sending purrs and positive thoughts for both of you. Extra purrs are being sent that all goes well with your mom's kitty and Sammy.

  24. I have been thinking about you and your mother daily. You are doing all you can and then some. The flowers are lovely and bring her joy no doubt. Knowing her baby will be taken care is such a great comfort I'm sure. Hugs <3

  25. Oh, Duni! I am so very sad to hear of your mother's condition. How stressful for you, too! I am sure it is a comfort to her to know that her dear cat will be taken care of. And how thoughtful of you to take such beautiful photos to share with her. Stay away from cyberspace as long as you need to, dear Duni. We will be here when you come back. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom at this very difficult time.

  26. My prayers are for you and your mother, Duni.

  27. Hang in there... things will be better!

  28. I am just now seeing this Duni. I'm so sorry I missed it last week. I am sending lots of love your way.

  29. Hold on Duni. Things will be better. You and your family are included in my prayers.

  30. Hold on Duni. Things will be better. You and your family are included in my prayers.

  31. Hi D. :)

    I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope she is doing better. Sending positive energy and love, T. :)


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