Tuesday, April 26

Denim for the home

The denim trend seems to be everybody's favorite not least because it's so versatile. However denim is not limited to fashion. It's been making waves in interiors as well! Combined with crisp white creates a nautical feel while textures add interest to rustic interiors. Or pair it with boho elements for a relaxed and laid back living space. Denim, especially the textured variety is a great upholstery choice for families with toddlers as it masks stains and sticky fingerprints quite well.

On the other hand The Molly armchair in denim blue (#1) with its tapered legs demonstrates that denim can add a chic accent to your living room too! This chair is expertly crafted in the UK and combines a streamlined shape with a high back and comfy wide seat. Perfect for reading!

Denim walls (#2)! Even if I wouldn't dare put this Arthouse wallpaper up in my home, I can imagine it would look fab as an accent wall in a hallway. This denim blue wallpaper is part of the Imagine Fun kid's decor range and coordinates perfectly with the other prints!

My personal favorite here is the light blue denim rectangular pillow with black cross (#3) from Australian company Cranmore Home. Their design team's mission is to create ethical products in collaboration with artisans who live in some of the most challenging regions of the world and to help empower them to rise above poverty. This shade of blue would go great with my cream sofa and add a bit of Scandi-style as well!

How cute is that denim whale pillow (#4)?! It's from Danish company Ferm Living who specialize in cute accessories for the home and children's decor. Available via rokdoubledot.
I'm partial to star motifs, so I love those denim napkins (#5)! They're from German company paper + design and would add a whimsical touch to an al fresco lunch or picnic basket.

I can totally picture this light denim diamond patterned outdoor woven rug (#6) on our (yet to be renovated) terrace. It comes in six sizes and is great for high-traffic areas. It's functional, durable and affordable. There are other patterns available as well. Require extra seating but haven't got enough space? This faded denim poof (#7) has multiple uses, is sturdy enough to balance food and drinks plus it's stackable to save space.

Leave it to SMEG France to come up with a 'denim' refrigerator (below)! This energy class A++ fridge holds 26 liters and includes a freezer compartment with two ice trays. It's a bit too massive for my taste but it wouldn't look out of place in a bachelor pad or rustic cabin retreat :)

Have you got any denim items in your home, apart from a pair of jeans? 
What's your favorite piece here?

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Monday, April 25

Monday Moodboard

Hello and happy Monday! I may have mentioned before that there's a huge oak tree taller than the house in front of the bedroom window. The other day I noticed the tree sprouting tiny green buds. I love this crisp, fresh 'green flash' green which serves as inspiration for my moodboard :)
Hallo, ihr Lieben! Bei uns im Garten wächst eine Eiche, die mit der Aussprossung immer spät dran ist. Aber neulich habe ich kleine Knospen entdeckt. Endlich! Dieses frische 'green flash' Grün mag ich im Frühling besonders und es dient heute als Inspiration für meine MontagsCollage :)

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Monday, April 18

Monday Moodboard

April's been more rain than shine! When it's grey and rainy outside I would rather stay snuggled in bed, but duty calls. Despite the rain the birdies chirp happily every morning and nature is looking a lot greener these days...finally spring.
Das Wetter lässt momentan zu wünschen übrig! Wenn es dauerregnet möchte ich mich am liebsten im Bett verkriechen. Aber die Pflicht ruft. Trotz des Regenwetters zwischern die Vögel munter und an den Bäumen sprießen die Knospen...endlich Frühling. 

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Friday, April 15

Life lately + my furbabies

It's finally Friday and I can't tell you how glad I am! After three incredibly busy months plus my tax appointment I really thought I could wind down a little and focus on future projects for my blog, but at the beginning of this week one small mistake made by a third party resulted in widespread repercussions, leaving me with having to deal with the aftermath. I'm sure you can relate. Unfortunately until the messy business is solved I have to push back those projects. I guess here's where I admit I'm a bit of a control freak. I like overseeing every single step in my business, be it sales, accounting, shipping, ordering, customer service and so on and so forth. My family always jokes that they would gladly help me out, but never actually be employed by me. haha.

The weather over here has been a mix of rain, hail, fog, storms with some record low and high temps. Most mornings in my area look like in the picture above. While the mist dissipates over the course of the day, the wind around here can be especially chilly. I'll be glad when I can finally put my coat away for good. In good news I sold tote bags and a couple of rectangular pillows over in my society6 store and in better news the awesome company Art Gallery Fabrics is now following me on instagram :)

Some of my readers with cats have been asking and I realized that it's been quite a while since I posted pictures of my furbabies! My kitties always cheer me up without fail and just looking at their pictures makes me go squeeee :) Apart from Sammy, who doesn't move around much it's really difficult getting a good picture of the other three kitties, as they either come up really close to the camera and start sniffing it or run away at the sound of the click. However, I did finally manage to get a photo of each without too much blurring!

Sammy, at nearly fourteen, is the oldest of the bunch. He's never been a cuddly kind of cat but over the years he's grown quite mellow and he's the only cat of the four I can actually pick up and carry. Mostly though he snoozes on the couch or his favorite cushion near the window. Sadly, just like humans, various aches and pains come with age. Lately he's developed mild osteoarthritis in his hind legs, for which he now gets daily medication. Luckily he eats well, so I can "hide" the icky meds in his food without him noticing. Sammy is the only kitty I know that doesn't want to go out into the garden. Sammy is a rescue cat from the shelter. I have been told that he had been stuffed into a box ready to be dumped. Someone with a heart rescued him from the box and brought him to the shelter. He was about a year old back then, but he's never overcome this traumatic experience. I always keep any type of box away from him, because he's so afraid of them. Also, he is seized with panic every time the doorbell rings and strangers come in the house. I've made sure that he has a safe place for hiding and that whoever comes in the house, even family, doesn't go near him. Sammy has always been special in a way that we need to take extra care of him.

After living her entire life (she's almost twelve now) at my Mom's place, Sumi has adjusted pretty well over here. We have established a routine - so important for cats - and since Sumi is somewhat finicky, I really make sure to stick to it! Because she was born with kidney insufficiency she's been on meds her entire life and it is not easy administering them, as compared to Sammy, she's a picky eater. I have to sit with her in the mornings to make sure she at least eats a portion of the specialty food with the medication in it. But make no mistake, she's feisty despite her age and small size! Now that she's no longer afraid she loves exploring the entire house. She's not allowed in the garden though, even if it breaks my heart to see the longing on her little face. But she's all I have left of my Mom, so I'm not about to lose her too. She doesn't know cars and doesn't know that some neighbors don't like cats. I compromise by letting her sit - supervised - at a window which I've opened a crack. She enjoys that so much. She also enjoys daily grooming and games, lots of games! I've noticed that ever since she's moved here she's become a lot more active and she really enjoys the company of humans! I do believe she's quite happy :)

For those who asked, I'm afraid she and Sammy still don't get along. They simply don't like each other. I'm just glad they instinctively avoid each other's company most of the time, so I can work in peace without fearing cat attacks or that my home will be torn to shreds.

Molly is an infrequent visitor and she only ever comes to the back door. She's a true huntress. Just the other day I saw her chasing a squirrel. The squirrel scrambled up a tree, and Molly was trying to catch it but wasn't able to climb high enough. Then the squirrel jumped on the next tree and Molly had to admit defeat. I was so relieved she didn't catch the squirrel! I'm not sure of her age, but I believe she must be around five years old now. She's not too fond of the food I put out for her...I have an inkling this is because more often than not she's already had her meal. However, she never says "no" to a small dish of cream! Again, she's not very cuddly and she prefers for humans to keep their distance; on the other hand she's not shy at all and in summer time when the back door is open during the day she simply waltzes in and searches the rooms until she finds me! Being an outdoor cat she's highly alert and quite the independent lady. She does not tolerate any other cats around her turf and will chase them away. I've seen her two streets away, so her turf covers a pretty big area. She seems to have accepted though, that the garden is Leo's turf.

Leo!!! My adorable roly-poly Leo, who simply walked up to our house several winters ago and never left. Being a former feral cat with probably bad experiences with humans in his young life he's skittish most of the time...except when he's around me. I am the only person who is allowed to pet him and he headbutts me in return. He is in fact very sweet natured, but so terribly frightened of every unknown noise, cars, screaming kids and of being locked in. I don't think he's over his last vet visit. Poor guy. I had no other choice but to bring him there to have his injured leg treated. Thankfully the leg is all healed now and ever since that terrible episode he keeps close to the house, not leaving the perimeter of the garden. At three years old he's like a playful kitten. It's too funny watching him jump around in the garden! He has his own little wooden house with a special sheet on top to protect against rain and wind plus there's a comfy blanket inside. When the sun is out, like in the photo above, he lays on the flagstones for hours. Naturally, I worry about my two outdoor kitties, but I respect their need for freedom. They aren't typical house cats and would feel trapped inside, plus I wouldn't have enough space to accomodate them indoors anyway. This solution is the best I can offer and by all accounts they are healthy and look happy. And that makes me happy.

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Thursday, April 14

Banana Walnut Muffins Cinnamon Crunch Topping

I know the title is quite a mouthful :) Anyway, you'll love this quick and easy muffin recipe. These are made with part whole wheat flour, include walnuts, mashed bananas and an optional cinnamon crunch topping. Makes 12.
Dieses Muffinrezept ist wieder sehr einfach und geht schnell, so wie ich es mag. Die Muffins mit Vollkornmehl, Walnüssen und Bananen können mit oder ohne Zimtstreusel gebacken werden, je nachdem wie süß man es mag. Für 12 Stück.

Ingredients / Zutaten

150 gr flour / Mehl
100 gr wholewheat flour / Vollkornmehl
1 sachet baking powder / 1 Päckchen Backpulver
1 sachet vanilla sugar / 1 Päckchen Vanillezucker
80 gr sugar / Zucker
1 egg / 1 Ei
125 gr margarine / Margarine
milk / Milch
1 large ripe banana / 1 große reife Banane
100 gr. chopped walnuts / gehackte Walnüsse

Cinnamon Crunch Topping (optional)

50 gr flour / Mehl
30 gr butter / Butter
30 gr sugar / Zucker
cinnamon / Zimt
(quickly mix together until crumbly) 
(schnell zusammenkneten bis feine Streusel entstehen)

1. Preheat oven to 356°F. Line a 12 pc muffin tray with liners. Mash banana and set aside.
2. In a bowl sieve the two flours, baking powder and vanilla sugar together. 
3. In a second bowl beat the egg, sugar and margarine until creamy, pour into flour mixture and add milk little by little until the mixture becomes a smooth dough. Stir in banana and walnuts.
4. Spoon evenly into muffin tray
5. Optional. If you like some crunch on top sprinkle lightly with prepared topping.
6. Bake 25 - 30 minutes. Remove tray but leave muffins to rest another 5 minutes. Finally remove from tray and cool completely on wire rack.
1. Ofen auf 180°C vorheizen. Papierförmchen in 12er Muffinblech einsetzen. Banane zerdrücken und beiseite stellen.
2. In einer Schüssel die zwei Mehle, Backpulver und Vanillezucker sieben.
3. In einer zweiten Schüssel, aus Zucker, Ei und Margarine eine cremige Masse rühren. Masse zum Mehl geben und langsam bei ständigem Rühren so viel Milch zugeben, bis ein schwer reißender Teig entstanden ist. Banane und Walnüsse unterrühren.
4. Gleichmäßig in die Muffinförmchen verteilen.
5. Wer es gerne knusprig mag verteilt die Streusel oben drauf. (optional)
6. Circa 25 - 30 Minuten backen. Blech aus dem Ofen nehmen und Muffins 5 Minuten ruhen lassen. Dann herausnehmen und auf einem Gitter auskühlen lassen.

Guten Appetit!

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Wednesday, April 13

Coastline Cardigan

I'm a cardigan girl. More out of necessity as the weather over here is unpredictable, even in summer. While I appreciate the classic cardigan style, especially while working, I was looking to update my spring wardrobe with something more fun. Preferably with fringe. When I received Coastline, a soft jersey knit fabric by designer Sharon Holland, I knew straight away that it was the perfect choice for my sewing project!
Ich bin ein "Cardigan Girl" (lässt sich schwer übersetzen). Da das Wetter hier in meiner Gegend selbst im Hochsommer unberechenbar ist, sind Strickjacken für mich unverzichtbar. Obgleich ich den klassischen Cardigan schätze, vor allem bei der Arbeit, wünschte ich mir ein pfiffigeres Outfit, z.B. mit Fransen! Neulich ist Coastline, ein weicher Jersey von Designerin Sharon Holland im Lädchen eingetroffen und ich wusste sofort, das ist der Stoff für meine neue Jacke!

This fabric features a coral, white and navy floral pattern on a soft peach background. And if you look closely you will discover some pops of lavender on there too! This is the color I picked up for the fringe. The overall look is fresh, spring-y and casually chic. The front has two asymmetric panels a little bit longer than the back. It's an open style cardigan without any closures, thus it is fairly easy to sew. Btw, I didn't use a paper pattern. I copied the style from a wool cardigan that I own. This isn't too difficult for someone with dressmaking experience. Also, I elongated the sleeves, because I love narrow sleeves that go halfway up my hands :) Those who sew will notice that I cut the sleeves perpendicular to the grainlain to save on fabric...normally, you shouldn't be doing this, but since the fabric is pretty stretchy I got away with it. #bendtherules

Dieser hochwertige Jersey hat ein florales Muster in Koralle,Weiß und Navy auf einem sanften pfirsichfarbenen Hintergrund. Und wer genau hinschaut entdeckt ein paar Tupfen in Lavendel! Die Fransen habe ich auf die letztere Farbe abgestimmt. Das enstandene Teil ist lässig schick und frühlingshaft frisch. Das Vorderteil ist asymmetrisch und etwas länger als der Rücken. Es ist eine verschlusslose Jacke und somit ziemlich einfach zu nähen. Übrigens, es gibt kein Schnittmuster. Ich habe den Schnitt von einer Wollstrickjacke, die ich besitze kopiert. Mit etwas Näherfahrung im Bekleidungsbereich ist dies gar nicht so schwierig. Zudem habe ich die Ärmel verlängert, weil ich überlange Ärmel, die bis mittig der Hände reichen einfach sehr mag :) Diejenigen unter Euch, die ebenfalls nähen haben sicherlich festgestellt, dass ich die Ärmel senkrecht zum Fadenlauf zugeschnitten habe...dies sollte man niemals tun, aber um Stoff zu "sparen" und da er ziemlich elastisch ist und ich dünne Arme habe ging es nochmal gut. #bendtherules

Actually, attaching the silky fringe was the most challenging. It's very slippery and I had to take care not to get the threads under my needle! The fringe trim was kindly sponsored by Union Knopf.
Die seidige Fransenborte anzunähen hat ein wenig länger gedauert. Ich musste beim Nähen total aufpassen die Fäden nicht unter die Nadel zu bekommen! Die Fransenborte wurde mir von Union Knopf gesponsert.

Have you made some spring-y item for yourself or your children lately? Do you like the current fringe trend?
Habt Ihr auch schon etwas frühlingshaftes für Euch (oder eure Kinder) genäht? Wie findet Ihr den Fransen-Trend?
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Monday, April 11

Monday Moodboard

Hello and happy Monday! It's time for another, somewhat minimalistic moodboard. Today I'm featuring April's birthstone, the diamond, which symbolizes strength and everlasting love...
Hallo zusammen! Wie jeden Montag gibt es auch heute wieder eine Collage. Diamant symoblisiert Stärke und unvergängliche Liebe und wird dem April als Geburtsstein zugeordnet...

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Friday, April 8

The Denim Studio [ by Art Gallery Fabrics ]

As I mentioned in a previous post, I spent quite a long time at the The Denim Studio by AGF booth. I love how they arranged the new denim swatches against a rustic backdrop! The range offers a couple of floral and graphic prints, as well as solids in both smooth and textured surfaces.
Wie schon in diesem Post erwähnt, bin ich absolut begeistert von den bedruckten Bekleidungsstoffen in Jeansoptik von The Denim Studio by AGF. Die obigen Stofflaschen zeigen die aktuellen floralen und grafischen Muster und Unis mit glatter sowie strukturierter Oberfläche.  

The above small flower print is simply adorable! This denim fabric is apparel weight and comes in 58" width. 
Dieser oben gezeigte süße florale Druck ist einfach bezaubernd! Der leichte Jeansstoff hat eine Breite von 150 cm.
This cool denim video is sure to inspire all my readers who sew and even those who don't! Grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy - it's just under 4 minutes. If you watch closely you can see that the girls are all wearing clothes made with one or two of the new denims! Side note - one of these days I'd like to own a studio that is big enough to accomodate a couch :) p.s. if you can't see the video, you can watch is on you tube instead: https://youtu.be/cFu_-Lb2Lp4
Das tolle Denim Video dient als Inspirationsquelle für alle Nähbegeisterten unter Euch! Schnappt Euch eine Tasse Kaffee oder Tee und schaut es Euch an - es dauert keine 4 Minuten. Die Mädels im Video tragen alle Teile aus dem einen oder anderen Denim. So toll! Randnotiz - so ein großes Studio mit Sofa könnte ich gut gebrauchen :) p.s. falls das obige Video nicht funktioniert, probiert es mal bei you tube: https://youtu.be/cFu_-Lb2Lp4

I couldn't resist making a little something from these cute fabrics, so I designed a little travel pouch. It's the perfect size to keep all your daily necessities in one place, but not so bulky to take up a lot of space in your carry-on! The pouch is fully lined and padded and includes a (detachable) strap so that you can hang it from a hook in the washroom or dangle it from your wrist to keep your hands free to do other stuff, like texting :)

Ich konnte nicht widerstehen aus diesen grandiosen Stoffen etwas Nützliches zu nähen, so habe ich dieses Reisetäschchen entworfen. Es hat die perfekte Größe für sämtlichen Krimskrams den frau so braucht, nimmt aber im Handgepäck kaum Platz weg! Das Täschchen ist gefüttert und leicht gepolstert und hat eine (abnehmbare) Trageschlaufe. So lässt sich das Täschchen an einen Haken aufhängen, während man sich die Hände wäscht oder man trägt es lässig am Handgelenk und hat damit beide Hände frei für's Simsen :)

The lovely turquoise trim and the hardware is kindly sponsored by the friendly people over at Union Knopf, German button and accessory manufacturer.
Das hübsche Webband in Türkis sowie der Karabiner wurde mir freundlicherweise von den lieben Kollegen von Union Knopf zur Verfügung gestellt.

Which of these inspire you most? Floral or graphic? If you sew, have you made anything with denim before? Looking forward to your comment!
Was sagt Ihr zu den obigen Drucken? Mögt Ihr lieber Floral, Grafisch oder Uni? Und habt Ihr schon mal etwas mit Jeansstoffen genäht? Freue mich auf Eure Kommentare!

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Monday, April 4

Monday Moodboard

Hello lovelies! Can you believe it's April already? This month typically brings mixed weather and the tax deadline for small businesses! Coincidentally, while I was writing this post Etsy published an article on how to get your taxes organized. Some useful tips there! Meanwhile, enjoy my peachy moodboard :)
Hallo, ihr Lieben! Kaum zu glauben, dass wir schon April haben mit dem für diesen Monat typisch wechselhaften Wetter. Vom Frühling spüre ich hier in der Gegend noch nicht viel, aber dafür gibt's heute eine frühlingshafte Collage :)

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Friday, April 1

Preview [ Spring Summer Fabrics ]

My head is still buzzing from all the fabric gorgeousness I saw...and touched at the recent trade fair. I might even have swooned a bit ;-) And today I'd like to give you a sneak peek of super pretty fabrics coming to my shop this spring through summer!

In my capacity as buyer it really is not easy narrowing down the choice to fit  my budget, my quality requirements and the concept of my store. I never go to such events without preparing at least two weeks in advance. Also, I really listen to my customers and take their requirements into account too.
Check out these fresh and fun fabrics from Art Gallery Fabrics!
Stoffe, Stoffe und noch mehr Stoffe gab es auf der Fachmesse von neulich zu bewundern. Und heute gibt's eine kleine Vorschau von den wunderschönen Stöffchen, die im Frühjahr und Sommer in mein Lädchen wandern!

In meiner Kapazität als Einkäufer ist es nicht immer einfach die Wahl entsprechend meines Budgets, meines Qualitätsanspruchs und Ladenkonzeptes einzugrenzen. Deshalb gehe ich auch nie unvorbereitet zu solchen Messen und berücksichtige außerdem die Wünsche meiner Kunden. Das ist mir nämlich sehr wichtig. Nachfolgend eine Auswahl an frischen Patchworkstoffen von Art Gallery!

Art Gallery's byline reads "feel the difference" and it's true. As far as designer patchwork fabrics go these are lightweight and have a silky smooth touch. Traditionally used for quilts these also make fun children's clothes and cute accessories. Personally I can't wait to sew a floaty top with one of the above prints. Art Gallery Fabrics offer a variety of free sewing patterns  and inspirations on their blog. Go check them out!
Das Logo von Art Gallery beinhaltet die Zeile "feel the difference" und es stimmt. Diese Designerstoffe sind etwas leichter und fließender als durchschnittliche Patchworkstoffe und fühlen sich glatt, fast seidig an. Sie sind deshalb bei traditionellen QuilterInnen äußerst beliebt, aber auch für süße Kinderbekleidung und Accessoires sind sie durchaus geeignet. Auf dem Blog von Art Gallery gibt es viele kostenlose Nähanleitungen (Englisch) und Inspirationen. Schaut doch mal vorbei!


These amazingly soft and stretchy knits are brand new in the shop. A mix of graphic and floral prints in contemporary colors, they are sure to delight sewists everywhere who endeavour to update their wardrobe with a pretty shirt or two. The knit fabric in the lower right corner is certified organic and features the ever popular dandelion print in white with pops of citron, black and gray on classic navy. This fabric is going fast! 
Ein paar wunderbar weiche, stretchige Jerseys mit sowohl grafischen als auch floralen Drucken in modernen Farbgebungen sind ganz neu im Shop. Mit einer Breite von ca 150 cm eignen sie sich perfekt für das Nähen von Bekleidung. Der tolle Interlock mit den Pusteblumen in Weiß auf Navy unten rechts in der Collage ist Bio Jersey. Dieser Stoff ist bei NäherInnen sehr beliebt!

I was told by many people that I wouldn't be able to get Tanya Whelan's new S/S collection "Zoey's Garden" to Germany. Ha, little did these people know just how determined I am. Admittedly it took several calls, even to the US!, and a lot of persuasion, but eventually I found a supplier willing to ship several bolts of these to me :) Coming in April.

Zoey's Garden is a sweet and whimsical collection with cute birdies, butterflies, cottage roses, pretty florals and stripes with Tanya's typical nostalgic touch. Comes in pastel blue, pink and green colorways. It's perfect for shabby chic accessories and girl's room decor. Or try this free quilt pattern from Free Spirit.

Von vielen Kollegen habe ich gehört, dass die "Zoey's Garden Kollektion" von Tanya Whelan nicht nach Deutschland eingeführt wird. Aber davon habe ich mich nicht entmutigen lassen! Denn diese Kollektion ist bezaubernd und passt einfach perfekt in mein Shop Konzept. Die musste ich haben! Es war nicht leicht, und es hat drei Monate gedauert, aber nun freue ich mich, dass diese wunderschöne Kollektion schon nächsten Monat geliefert wird!

Zoey's Garden ist eine frühlingsfrische Kollektion mit nostalgischem Charme. Vögelchen, Schmetterlinge, blühende Rosen und kleine Blumensträußchen, hübsche Streifen - alles in den Farben Pastellblau, Rosa und Grün aufeinander abgestimmt. Da schlägt das Shabby Chic Herz höher!

Finally, this beautiful canvas with big roses is the fabric that is featured in this home decoration book I recently wrote about. Many of my customers have been asking for this, but I'm afraid it's completely sold out! I've contacted my Japanese supplier and they are searching their warehouse, but I wouldn't hold my breath, as it's from two seasons ago. However, I have sourced a very similar canvas and am waiting to here back! Fingers crossed :)
Dieser traumhaft schöne Rosendruck in Canvas- Qualität ist der Stoff, der in dem Sommerbuch von Claudia Mareth auf der Titelseite abgebildet ist. Viele Kunden haben seit Erscheinung des Buches danach gefragt, aber leider ist er restlos ausverkauft. In der Zwischenzeit habe ich mit dem japanischen Hersteller Kontakt aufgenommen in der Hoffnung Reststücke zu ergattern. Eventuell gibt es einen sehr ähnlichen Stoff in der gleichen Qualität. Ich hoffe, dass ich bald mehr Info dazu habe :)

Happy Friday!

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