Monday, November 7

Monday Moodboard

I don't know about you, but the male members in my family are really hard to buy for. I usually start looking for gifts way in advance to anyone else on my Christmas shopping list. Here are a couple of Etsy finds that I find useful and fun :)
Wie jedes Jahr stellt sich für mich schon früh die Frage was ich den Männern in der Familie zu Weihnachten schenken soll. Für alle anderen habe ich nämlich reichlich Ideen! Hier eine kleine Auswahl...die Gesichts-Stempel finde ich total witzig :)

1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4

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  1. Hallo liebe Duni,
    mir gefällt der warme Ton des Holzes und vor allem die Brille hat es mir persönlich angetan.
    Viele liebe Grüße, Synnöve

  2. oh yes, men are always hard to shop for. My husband is the worst, he's very picky

  3. my husband is the worst to shop for! so I have to start early for sure!!

  4. My husband is impossible to buy for! Miss you <3

  5. I always get my husband an Amazon gift card. It's so uncreative but he's impossible! I love those sunglasses.

  6. These are great! The stamps are so fun. Custom cuff links is a perfect idea. Men do have to get dressed up from time to time!

  7. Love the wooden frames! I think they will be very popular over here, last weekend I went shopping for glasses with a friend, and the store had loads of them.

  8. Those stamps are cool! I don't think my hubby would like his face on them but I sure would! :)

  9. It's ALWAYS harder to shop for guys. Good for you thinking ahead! The stamps are hilarious.

  10. Liebste Duni,
    ein schönes Moodboard! Die Brille ist genial und ebenso gefallen mir die derb gestricken Stulpen!
    Hab einen zauberhaften Tag!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße , Claudia ♥

  11. Ich stimme Dir zu, liebe Duni!
    Der Gesichtsstempel ist klasse!! So toll!
    Ein tolles Geschenk!
    Liebe Grüße an Dich!

  12. Super cool sunglasses!
    I guess I'm kind of an outlier. I always had a way easier time shopping for my dad than for my mom. This year should be as simple as last year for me - my husband and I aren't really buying gifts for each other and his dad is always proud to wear a new Navy hat or shirt.

  13. Men are impossible to shop for! They never want anything, or they just buy it themselves. My husband already picked out what he wants (a clock) and went ahead and paid for it. At least I get to wrap it and put it under the tree, haha.

  14. Great selection of guy gifts. Thanks so much for sharing my cuff links!!


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