Wednesday, March 22

A - Z of essential oils { Overview }

Hello everybody!      Hallo Mädels!

I hope you enjoyed reading my essential oil series as much as I enjoyed writing it! Although I had read my Mom's notebooks before it gave me a chance to revisit them and discover some notes written separately on post-its which were tucked inside the back flap. I thought it might be a good idea to list these posts all on one page. So here's my summary of the essential oils that I featured here on Duni's Studio from July 2016 - March 2017. Remember, this is not a comprehensive list, as my intention was to feature those oils that are most beneficial for common ailments. Anyway, if you are interested in aromatherapy and ever try out your own formulas, I suggest writing down the quantities (drops) in a notebook like my Mom did, as it's easy to forget after a while :)
Es hat mir viel Freude gemacht über die ätherischen Öle zu schreiben und ich hoffe, dass euch die Serie gefallen hat. Beim schreiben nutzte ich die Gelegenheit, um nochmal die vielen Notizbücher meiner Mama durchzulesen und habe dabei zufällig weitere handgeschriebene Notizen in einem Umschlag entdeckt! Für alle LeserInnen, die eventuell einen Beitrag verpasst haben oder nochmal durchlesen möchten habe ich heute eine Zusammenfassung aller hier vorgestellten ätherischen Öle zwischen Juli 2016 - März 2017. Wie bereits erwähnt ist diese Liste nicht allumfassend, da ich mich auf die Öle konzentriert habe, die für häufige Erkrankungen am gebräuchlichsten sind. Noch einen Tipp an alle die das Thema Aromatherapie für sich entdeckt haben und weiter experimentieren möchten: die jeweiligen Mengen (Tropfen) der äthersichen Öle immer aufschreiben :)

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  1. I really enjoyed this series Duni. It is interesting reading about the various oils and how they can benefit us. Natural remedies are the way to go!

  2. I enjoye the series. I liked heaing about the different oils and what they were used for

  3. I enjoyed the series too and I certainly learned a lot!

  4. I loved them Duni. Thanks for sharing your Mother's expertise on essential oils.

  5. It's been a great series!

  6. Guten Morgen, liebste Duni,
    ich danke Dir nochmal für diese tolle und informative Serie zu diesen wudnervollen Ölen!
    Hab einen wundervollen Tag!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße,Claudia ♥

  7. Vielen Dank, Duni!
    So kann ich mir nochmals die einzelnen Öle anschauen. Super!
    Liebe Grüße

  8. Thanks for sharing your mother's oil secrets!
    I recently bought some oils (doTerra) - Peppermint to invigorate lungs and great for when overheated - Melaleuca - and Lavender (which they suggest putting a drop on your pillow at bedtime)!
    The only problem - I threw them in my purse and the cap on the Lavender came off - I now have a lovely calming effect everytime I need to purchase something!

  9. I agree that your notebook (or captain's log as I joke to my mom) is essential as an herbalist or aromatherapist, you're always discovering new findings and making new recipes as you work and if you don't write it you'll lose it!
