Friday, March 24

Cherry Banana Bars

It's been ages since I shared a recipe here at Duni's Studio! Not that I haven't been cooking / baking, it's just that I didn't feel motivated to take pictures, as it's been grey and rainy all winter. But now, finally, Spring has arrived in my corner of the world and the days are already a lot brighter! Here's an easy recipe for cherry banana bars. The quantities given make a small batch of about 10 bars. Due to the mashed banana these don't fall apart at the first bite. I always take these with me on longer trips or when I visit trade fairs and other places with overpriced food! 
Es ist schon lange her, seit ich ein Food Post hier bei Duni's Studio gezeigt habe! Obwohl ich ja fast jeden Tag koche oder backe, fehlte mir in letzter Zeit einfach die Motivation Fotos zu machen. Hier also ein einfaches Rezept für Kirsch-Bananen-Riegel. Die angegebenen Mengen ergeben etwa 10 Riegel. Das darin enthaltene Bananenpüree garantiert, dass diese nicht beim ersten Bissen auseinander fallen. Ich nehme sie immer auf längeren Reisen mit oder wenn ich Messen besuche!


2 ripe bananas, 1 vanilla pod, 50 gr dried cherries, 70 gr chopped hazelnuts, 30 gr sesame seeds, 200 gr rolled oats, pinch of salt, 1 TbSp oil, 3 TbSp honey


2 reife Bananen, 1 Vanilleschote, 50 gr getrocknete Kirschen, 70 gr gehackte Haselnüsse, 30 gr Sesam, 200 gr Haferflocken, Prise Salz, 1 TL Öl, 3 TL Honig

How to: preheat oven to 347°F. Line a rectangular baking dish with greaseproof paper. Dry roast chopped hazelnuts in a small pan. Set aside. Mix pulp of vanilla into mashed bananas. Chop dried cherries. In a bowl mix rolled oats, hazelnuts, sesame seeds, salt and cherries. Add bananas, oil and honey. Stir until oats are well coated. Press mixture into the dish evenly. Bake for about 25 minutes. Cool completely before cutting into bars. Enjoy!
So gehts: Ofen auf 175°C vorheizen. Rechteckige Backform mit Backpapier auslegen. Gehackte Haselnüsse in einer kleinen Pfanne rösten. Beiseite stellen. Bananen pürieren und Vanillemark zugeben. Kirschen klein schneiden. In eine Schüssel die Haferflocken, Haselnüsse, Sesam, Kirschen Prise Salz geben und gut mischen. Bananen, Öl und Honig zufügen und gut vermengen. Masse in die Form geben und gleichmäßig andrücken. Ca. 25 Minuten backen. Komplett auskühlen lassen, dann in Riegel schneiden. Guten Appetit!

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  1. Taking better pictures, there are so many advantages that come with spring and summer! Your bars look delicious, and I love the pretty polka dot cup and saucer. Enjoy all those wonderful sunny days that are starting about now!

  2. Mmh, die sehen sehr verführerisch aus. Danke für das Rezept, ich werde es bestimmt bald testen.
    Herzlichst Ulla

  3. I may have to give these a try. I love bananas on their own but not so much in things. However this sounds like a healthy snack I would enjoy!

  4. This sounds great, I'm always looking for healthy snacks

  5. Liebe Duni,
    diese Bars sehen so lecker aus! Danke für dieses tolle Rezept!
    Hab ein zauberhaftes und sonniges Wochenende!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße,Claudia ♥

  6. I never bake but these are inspiring me! I love having to-go food for traveling/work/events that's homemade and healthy. Like you said, it's CRAZY expensive to eat out or buy food at events.

    1. When I lived in Asia I rarely baked. It was just too hot outside ;-)

  7. I never bake but these are inspiring me! I love having to-go food for traveling/work/events that's homemade and healthy. Like you said, it's CRAZY expensive to eat out or buy food at events.

  8. These look yummy Duni - and your photos are lovely as always :)

  9. oh yum! those look so delicious!!!! So glad to hear you are finally getting a bit of Spring there - enjoy my friend

  10. These look so tasty! I haven't had hazelnuts in forever.


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