Friday, April 7

Autumn / Winter 2017 Trend Report [ Crafts ]

Hello lovelies!        Hallo, ihr Lieben!

A week later and I still feel bone tired. This year's international trade fair for craft and hobby was just as busy and well attended as last year's. It seemed there were even more suppliers there than usual. I was on a tight schedule, but on Saturday I actually missed the main event because I wasn't feeling well and had to go back to the hotel to rest. Also, I didn't bring along my camera this time around, so the pictures below are just a few snapshots I took with my phone. While crafts of all kinds continue to be a favorite leisure activity, most importantly (for me) sewing once again tops the list, with a total turnover in 2016 of 465 million Euro in fabrics alone! The DIY scene, however, is changing - it's become more diversified, younger and closely networked with a community vibe. Trending in knit fashion for A/W 17/18 season are muted colors in light grey, burgundy, cream and taupe. Lots of flowing silhouettes and oversized sweaters. And thankfully no fur pompoms in sight. Who knows? Maybe my rant in last year's trend report, which was seen by one of the organizers actually made a difference. Anyway, can't wait to receive the new fabrics I ordered for my shop!
Eine Woche später und ich bin immer noch erschöpft. Die diesjährige internationale Fachmesse für Handarbeit und Hobby war wieder so gut besucht wie im vergangenen Jahr. Es schien, als gäbe es noch mehr Hersteller als sonst. Ich hatte ziemlich viele Termine und ausgerechnet am wichtigsten Tag ging es mir nicht gut, so dass ich das Event von der Initiative Handarbeit zu welchem ich vor ein paar Wochen eingeladen wurde leider absagen musste. Sehr schade. Meine Spiegelreflex hatte ich diesmal ganz bewusst zuhause gelassen und habe stattdessen ein paar Schnappschüsse mit meinem Handy gemacht. Handarbeit bleibt auch dieses Jahr eine angesagte Freizeitbeschäftigung.  Allein Stoffe brachten es 2016 auf einen Gesamtumsatz von 465 Millionen Euro! Die DIY-Szene wird immer vielfältiger, jünger und enger vernetzt. Es geht um aktive Entspannung in der Community. Strickmode für die Saison H/W17-18 zeigte sich in gedeckten Farben wie Grau, Bordeaux, Creme und Taupe mit fließenden Silhouetten und Oversize-Pullover. Das Beste kein Pompom aus echtem Fell in Sicht. Dies hatte ich ja im letzten Trendbericht lautstark bemängelt. Ganz gespannt erwarte ich nun die neuen Stoffkollektionen für meinen Shop. Newsletter Abonnenten erfahren Neuigkeiten rund um Stoff immer zuerst.

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  1. Love the wall with cat prints and the floral fabrics in the first photo, enjoy the weekend!

  2. Everything is wonderful. What a feast for the eyes this event must have been! I love the bold print fabrics. I hope you are feeling better now. :)

  3. Sorry you weren't feeling well, I hope you're better now. What you did get to see looks amazing, I especially love the bunnies and kitties! I love big expos like this, you leave so inspired (and often, exhausted, haha)

  4. I totally love that chicken stool! As you can probably tell, I'm not really an "on trend" kind of person! :D

  5. Love the kitties! So many adorable things at the show! I'm glad you were able to attend even though you weren't feeling very well.

  6. Sounds like fun except for you not feeling well.those crocheted animal stools are so cute

  7. Love the kitty art in the last photo! Maybe your complaint last year did make a difference. =) Hope you regain some energy soon!

  8. Can't wait to see what you bought!


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